PM terms PDM leaders as pickpocket

-Says investors’ confidence means prosperity, job creation
-calls for Muslim unity to end attacks on Islam

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday while declaring the leadership of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) an 11-party alliance formed against the government ‘pickpockets’ said that the accountability will continue no matter what they do as this is the decisive time for Pakistan.
Addressing Insaf Doctors Forum at Aiwan-e-Iqbal in Lahore on Wednesday, he said that all the “pickpockets” come together on the same stage and make noise, adding that for the first time, they see accountability.
“They are scared because for the first time there is a prime minister who will not be blackmailed,” he said.
The prime minister said that the system which does not have punishment and retribution always fails, adding that the mafia was creating hurdles in the way of change in the country. People have in the past been given promotions and salary increments without performance, he said. “Those who had to make decisions would go abroad even if they had a cough and now we have to fix all these things,” he added.
Imran Khan also lauded the services of doctors and paramedics who are at the forefront in the country s fight against Coronavirus pandemic. He said the number of Coronavirus patients is increasing due to the second wave of the virus and we must have to adopt preventive measures in this regard.
The prime minister said absence of vibrant accountability process has damaged our society. He went on to say that the nation’s collective struggle was a must to realize the dream of a Naya Pakistan by bringing about institutional reforms and ensuring meritocracy.
“The people ask me where is the Naya Pakistan. The Naya Pakistan is not a switch (to turn on and get the result). Such things (happen) only in fairy tales. The reforms process is a struggle.
He viewed that it was high time the nation strived collectively, though the rectification of the rotted institutions was even more difficult than building a new one.
He told the audience that the construction of Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Peshawar and and its certification by the Joint Commission International was achieved within three years but the reforms in government hospitals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa took even longer.
Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar, Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid and other provincial cabinet members attended the convention.
Agencies Add: Chairing a session on industrial prosperity in his day-long Lahore visit on Wednesday, the Prime Minister directed Punjab government to sketch out public-private partnership schemes for development projects.
Prime Minister Imran Khan presiding over the huddle on industries, specifically the cement industry in the country, was briefed on the steps taken by the province to bolster support for it, which he commended.
The session today was attended by provincial chief Sardar Usman Buzdar and Fayyaz ul Hassan Chohan among other chief secretaries and relevant officials.
Commending steps already taken by the provincial administration to extend support and facilitation to the industrial sector, the PM further directed provincial authorities to ensure relief for it.
He said the swift redressal of investors’ grievances will ensure prosperity in the country followed with employment opportunities for masses.
The PM also noted that his government is particularly working along the lines of boosting the construction sector, which will give impetus to the entire value chain, specifically the cement industry.
Earlier, CM Buzdar met Prime Minister Imran Khan separately to brief the premier about prices and availability of essential commodities in the province.
The prime minister arrived in the Punjab capital earlier today on a daylong official trip.
Before this, On October 20, the prime minister had paid a visit to Lahore as well where he held meetings with the Punjab chief minister, the governor and party leaders and was briefed on various uplift schemes, law and order, and other issues.
Meanwhile Prime Minister has raised the issue of the publication of blasphemous caricatures on the international level and asked the leaders of the Muslim states to act collectively for countering the Islamophobia; attacks on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in Western countries especially Europe.
PM Imran Khan has written letter to the head of the Muslim states, urging for unity and clarity to bring an end to Islamophobia and attacks on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the Western states especially Europe.
In his letter, he said that Muslim Ummah is confronting a growing concern and restlessness after the recent tide of Islamophobia and attacks through ridicule and mockery of the beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the Western world, especially European.
He said, “The recent statements at the leadership level and incidents of desecration of the Holy Quran are a reflection of this increasing Islamophobia that is spreading in European countries where sizeable Muslim populations reside.”
The premier expressed deep concerns over the closure of mosques in Europe and Muslim women were being denied their right to wear clothing of their choice in public domain even as the nuns and priests continue to display their religious clothing and covert and overt discrimination is widespread against Muslims living in the countries.
Imran Khan added that the ‘hurtful actions’ result in reactions from Muslims after seeing their faith and their beloved Prophet PBUH targeted which results in further discriminatory actions by the governments against Muslim populations. The actions were resulting in marginalisation of Muslims and the creating of space for radical and far-right groups to exploit the situation.
He warned that ‘the resulting marginalisation leads to radicalisation and this vicious cycle continues to create increasing space for extremists on all sides.’
Imran Khan urged the leaders of the Muslim world to collectively take the lead in breaking the cycle of hate and extremism which nurtures violence and even death.
“I urge all our Muslim leaders as a collectivity, to raise our voice and explain to the leadership of the non-Muslim, especially western states, the deep-seated reverence and love all Muslims feel for their divine book, the Holy Quran, and for our Prophet PBUH. It is time to reach out to “the other” and end cycles of violence bred of ignorance and hate.”
“We must explain to the Western world that value systems differ for different social and religious and ethnic groups in the world. For Europeans and the Jews that Holocaust, which was the culmination of the Nazim pogrom, has led to many Western, especially European states, to criminalizing any act of criticism or questioning of the Holocaust. We understand and respect that.”“However, there has to be an understanding by the Western world of giving a similar respect to Muslims, who have also seen their people killed in mass numbers from Bosnia to Iraq to Afghanistan, to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, but for whom the pain and hurt is greatest when we see attacks on our faith and our beloved Prophet PBUH through mockery, ridicule and even abuse. In fact, blasphemy against any Prophet of Islam, Christianity or Judaism is unacceptable in our faith.”
PM Imran Khan said that ‘the time has come for the leaders of the Muslim world to take the message with clarity and unity to the rest of the world, especially the Western world so an end is put to Islamophobia and attacks on Islam and our Prophet PBUH.”
He added that ‘the world cannot continue on this hate spiral, which only benefits extremists agendas on all sides and results in polarized societies and violence.”
“Our faith is guided by peace and tolerance as practiced in Riyasat-i-Madina and in accordance with Misaq-i-Madina (the Treaty concluded by our Prophet PBUH between Muslims and Jews). It is our responsibility to inform the world of this spirit and core of our faith Islam.”