‘Language is soft barrier between Pak-China bilateral relations’

-CGSS, Uiversity of China hold Online Internship Program

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: The second session of the Online internship Program, “Evolving China in the Modern World†was held on Thursday. This internship program is initiated jointly by the Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad, and the Communication University of China, Beijing.
The theme for the second session of this internship was related to the “Language as Soft Power in Bilateral Relations: Case Study of Chinese Language in Pakistan†and it was conducted by, Dr. Shabbir Ahmed, Director, Area Study Center (Russia, China, and Central Asia), University of Peshawar.
Professor Dr. Shabbir explained the concept through a detailed presentation. He highlighted the Chinese Soft Power strategy of establishing a harmonious society in China and globally as well. He also discussed the five principles of China’s Foreign Policy given in 1954, which include peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit, non-interference, non-aggression, and respect for sovereignty.
He also explained in detail the term economies of language. He stated that the present and future belongs to those individuals and countries who equip themselves with the skills and mindsets of the contemporary world.
He mentioned the Chinese Soft Power in Pakistan with a special focus on CPEC. The importance of language as soft power is evident in positive terms through the megaproject that has given way to a new age of economic prosperity and development within Pakistan.
He specifically mentioned the role of Chinese Cultural Communicaiton Centers and the active role of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and various educational institutions in the promotion of cultural communication.
The session was moderated by Ms. Palwasha Nawaz, Project Executive, CGSS & Coordinator of the Online Internship Program. It is notable that scholars and students from across Pakistan have enrolled in this internship program to learn more about China.