EU Envoy seeks more women representation in LEAs

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: European Union Ambassador to Pakistan Androulla Kaminara has stressed inclusion of more women in law enforcement agencies, advocating, “Women police officers are more effective to connect with communities on different levels and can help improve internal team dynamics.â€
She expressed these views during a 4-day training session for females police officers of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Punjab Police, started from November 02 to be concluded on November 06. Kaminara said women police officers across the globe were proving their worth in dealing criminals more effectively and can help stop human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants in the Asia and the Middle East as well.
The session was primarily focusing to discuss how to prevent human trafficking in Asia and the Middle East, she said. She expressed her hope that more women would be included in law enforcement departments in order to ensure more accessible justice for people.
EU Ambassador to Pakistan Androulla Kaminara, Jeremy Milsom, Representative, UNODC Pakistan and DG FIA chairing 4-day training session for females police officers of FIA and Punjab Police held here. Replying to a question, she said human trafficking and migrants smuggling was one of the highest concern for the EU and the United Nations and this session was in line with the policy to create awareness among affected communities. Earlier, Jeremy Milsom, Representative, UNODC Pakistan, in a welcome address, said, “As a woman who is raising a family while pursuing a career you face the challenge of doing two full-time jobs at once. Yet your positions as law enforcement officers place additional burdens on you at work and at home, requiring you to intervene, console, and protect other families while also maintaining peace within your community. We deeply admire the dedication, skills and enthusiasm you bring to both these tasks.