FO condemns Indian Army Chief’s remarks

By Our Diplomatic Correspondent

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office of Pakistan on Friday in its rebuttal for “irresponsible and gratuitous remarks” a bout the country condemned Indian defense staff chief General Bipin Rawat.
On the comments made by Indian Chief of Defense Staff, Pakistan FO said, “unabated anti-Pakistan vitriol is reflective both of his completely flawed understanding of Pakistan’s realities.”
The FO noted the remarks made by the General Bipin Rawat stem from a “patently politicized approach”.
The foreign office of Pakistan stressed his tirade is also illustrative of the RSS-BJP mindset which it said is “a dangerous mix of extremist “Hindutva” ideology and expansionist “Akhand Bharat” designs.
It lamented that it is a sad fact this collective mindset of Indian extremist groups has “permeated the state institutions of India, including the armed forces”.
The spokesperson tallied some of the consequences of this extremist ideology that religious places in India are regularly desecrated, mob lynchings take place with state complicity, and persecution of minorities and disadvantaged segments grows by the day.
Most notably, stressed the FO on adverse outcomes wrought with extremism, “state-terrorism against innocent Kashmiris in IIOJK is pursued by India as an instrument of state policy.”
The statement concluded with advice for Gen Rawat that he is ought to “focus on his professional domain, rather than continuing to make a career out of anti-Pakistan rhetoric”.