MoHR Helpline facilitates 108,065 in 9 months

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Ministry of Human Rights helpline (1099) for Legal Advice on Human Rights Violations provided its services to 108,065 people from Januarary 2020 till September 2020.
According to details, legal services were provided to 3,464 people, legal advice and instant referrals to relevant department through calls to 1108 people, legal advice and referral through calls to 2215 and legal advice and referrals through letters to 34 people and legal advice was provided to 107 people visitors through applications, fax and emails.
The helpline officials did 8360 follow-up calls while 13178 violence victims were call backed during this time span, an official of MoHR stated. The officials said objectives of the Helpline for legal advice on Human Rights violations were in line with the social sector programmes of the government mentioned in annual plan, Pakistan’s growth strategy, vision 2025 and vision 2030.