Indian foreign policy, a blatant disregard for int’l laws

ISLAMABAD: The ongoing belligerent attitude of India towards its neighborhood is not only dangerous for regional peace and security but it is also tantamount to a blatant disregard for international laws and international human rights. It is this approach that has increasingly become what may be called as the key components of Indian foreign policy.
It has made the country a ‘mentally sick man of South Asia’ for posing serious threats to regional harmony. The long disputed territory of Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of partition and the bone of contention between Pakistan and India. But the Hindutva mindset of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) has unleashed the harshest possible restrictions on the innocent Kashmiri people after making an illegal move of annexation of the territory on August 05 last year.
In addition to that, numerous cases reported that India has increasingly become intolerant towards Muslims, Christians, and Dalit community. The country has frequently demonstrated misconduct and violence, particularly against the minority groups. This hateful agenda both at home and abroad is dangerous for security of the entire region.
Speaking at a panel discussion held here on “Decoding Indian Foreign Policy in Regional & Global Context”, Secretary Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Akbar Durrani said that Pakistan has always desired good ties with all the neighboring countries and has worked for regional and global peace.
He said, “The world is recognizing Pakistan’s positive role in Afghanistan’s peace process, whilst India has always tried to sabotage the process.” Pakistan firmly stood with the Kashmiri people until they were given their right of self-determination in light of the United Nation Security Council resolutions, he added. Information Secretary said, “The nexus and connivance of Indian media with its establishment in promoting and exporting terrorism in the region and beyond is a classic example of fifth generation warfare tactics, disinformation and propaganda. Unfortunately, Pakistan is the prime victim and target of Indian systematic and planned fifth generation war which is run globally through a web of fake and dubious media networks.”
Former ambassador, Riaz Khokhar said that India has launched somewhat a ruthless killing machine and a systematic genocide in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). He said that every Kashmiri family had suffered as thousands of innocent people had lost their lives. India has issues with almost all neighboring countries, he added.
He said that India always wanted to weaken, destabilize and disintegrate Pakistan. Therefore, he said, “We have had wars with India; 48, 65 January and then 65 September and then 71.”
While decoding the foreign policy of India in regional and global context, former ambassador, Salman Bashir said that India was more isolated today within the region than ever. He said that Arundhati Roy recently said the state of India had been in perpetual war with Hyderabad, Junagarh, Goa, Sikkim, and Assam, Jammu & Kashmir against the Moist, Naxalites, and Sikhs.
He said, “Oppression, persecution of minorities, aggression against China and Pakistan, Bangladesh; intervention in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, and Bhuttan are continuing things.” He said, “India is in illegal occupation of Kashmir, illegal occupation of Nepalese territory, and illegal occupation of Chinese territory. And they must vacate this.” –Agencies