India’s colonial designs major threat to peace, says Afridi

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Pakistan Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Khan Afridi Tuesday warned that Indian colonial designs and occupational and expansionist agenda was a major threat to regional and global peace and development.
Addressing a seminar hosted by the World Kashmir Forum, he said it was prerogative of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) to decide through a free and transparent plebiscite whether they want to live with Pakistan or India.
Referring to the statement of the United Kingdom military chief General Sir Nick Carter that the threat of 3rd World War is real, Afridi said: “Pakistan and India may head to a nuclear war if Kashmir dispute is not amicably resolved.”
“The UN and the world need to immediately take practical steps to resolve Kashmir dispute to help avoid a nuclear war in the region where three nuclear neighbors Pakistan, India and China are involved in border disputes,” he said. Afridi said Pakistan and India had fought three all out wars beside two limited wars on Kashmir.
“China and India are locked in another border dispute in Kashmir. Threat of a nuclear war is real now,” he said. “Indian occupational regime in IIOJK is so fearful that it has put restrictions on the elections of Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association, asking it to first submit explanation over its constitution which states that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory. But such tactics would fail as the people of Jammu and Kashmir have decided to offer any sacrifice required for freedom from Indian occupation,” said the Committee chairman.
Afridi said that the Hindutva regime did not learn anything about the history of Kashmir as the Indian PM with fake degree had no knowledge of history and law.