Imports of agricultural chemicals increase 5.94%

ISLAMABAD: The import of agricultural chemicals during three months of current financial year increased by 5.94 percent as compared to the imports of corresponding period of last year. The surge in the imports of agriculture inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides was mainly attributed with the preparation of land for the cultivation of major and minor crops of Rabi season.
The agriculture chemicals including fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides valuing $1.922 billion imported during the period from July-September, 2020 as compared the imports of $1.815 billion of same period last year.
During the period under review, imports of fertilizer manufactured grew by 17.24 percent as about 478,417 metric ton fertilizer valuing $149.
697 million imported as against 390,380 metric tons costing $127.689 million of same period last year, according the data of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.
During last three months imports of insecticides grew by 20.55 percent and about 9,049 metric tons of different insecticides valuing $46.565 million imported as compared the imports of 5,420 tons worth $38.626 million of same period last year.
Meanwhile, 512,374 metric tons of plastic material valuing $518.914 million imported as compared the imports of 345,772 metric tons costing $465.184 million during the same period of last year.
In last three months about 5,577 metric tons of medicinal products valuing $279.231 million imported as compared the imports of 5,640 metric tons valuing $257.124 million of same period of last year. – PNP