Russia reports a new record high virus cases

MOSCOW: Coronavirus cases in Russia grew by 22,702 in the past twenty-four hours to 1,903,253, the federal anti-coronavirus crisis center reported on weekend. “This is a new record high since the start of the pandemic. The previous daily record high of 21,983 cases was registered on Friday, November 13,” the crisis center said.
In the past twenty-four hours, 6,427 coronavirus cases were registered in Moscow (28.3% of all infections in Russia), 1,852 in St. Petersburg (almost 8.2%), 786 in the Moscow Region (3.5%), 441 in the Nizhny Novgorod Region (1.9%), 386 in Karelia (1.7%) and 345 in the Arkhangelsk Region (1.5%). These regions accounted for almost a half of all coronavirus infections identified in the country. The number of coronavirus patients undergoing medical treatment grew to 444,890, the latest data indicate. Almost 30% of them are patients undergoing treatment in Moscow. Coronavirus recoveries in Russia grew by 18,626 in the past twenty-four hours to 1,425,529. Coronavirus recoveries in Russia grew by 18,626 in the past twenty-four hours to 1,425,529, the federal anti-coronavirus crisis center reported. – PNP