Masood seeks Erdogan’s role in Kashmir issue

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MIRPUR: Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan said that the people of Pakistan as well as Jammu and Kashmir would welcome if the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plays a role among India, Pakistan and the Kashmiri people for a political and diplomatic solution to the Kashmir conflict.
In an interview with Turkey’s news channel, he said Kashmiri people hold the Turkish president, his government and the people in high esteem for adopting a categorical, bold and principled stand on the Kashmir issue, AJK President office told media here Wednesday night. “Turkish government has adopted a principled and courageous stand on not only Kashmir issue but also on Palestine. Turkish president is being seen in the Muslim world as a symbol of Islamic renaissance.” He said.
The President said that Kashmir is a political issue, and it can be peacefully resolved through diplomatic and political means but unfortunately, India wanted to resolve this conflict through military means.
To a question about the dossier regarding India’s involvement in terrorism inside Pakistan, Sardar Masood Khan said that terrorism in Pakistan and to destabilize it was the state policy of BJP-RSS regime. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his cabinet members publicly support terrorism against Pakistan; he said adding that providing training, weapons and financial resources to terrorists intruding Pakistan is in accordance with Hindutva doctrine because Indian fanatic leadership considers terrorism in Pakistan “legitimate and lawful”.
About the silence of the international community over India’s involvement in terrorism, the AJK President said that India through its false narrative had always given an impression to the world that it was fighting against terrorism in occupied Kashmir, and has been portraying the freedom fighters as terrorists. But interestingly, the Indian officials themselves say that there are more or less 300 militants or freedom fighters in occupied Kashmir. India has deployed 900,000 armed to the teeth troops in occupied Jammu and Kashmir to fight this handful of so-called militants.
But in fact, these troops are engaged in massacring the unarmed civilian of the occupied territory, he emphasized. Khan said that the Indian trained terrorists have been involved in targeting military installations, hotels, schools and Stock Exchange in Pakistan. For this purpose, India had set up 87 terrorist training centres. Of them, 66 camps are operating in Afghanistan while the remaining 21 are in Kerala, Karnataka, Dehradun, Assam and other parts of India.
When asked if the UNSC member countries continue to turn a blind eye to the Indian atrocities in IndianOccupiedbJammu and Kashmir, what could be the possible ramifications? President of Azad Kashmir warned that atrocities in occupied Kashmir and threats of military action against Gilgit Baltistan may plunge the whole region into a devastating war.