‘China’s uplift model lesson for developing countries’

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: China has achieved a lot in the past four decades (1980-2020), which took the western nations nearly four hundred years. The Chinese have been modest to acknowledge their own success, says Syed Hasan Javed, Director of Chinese Studies Center at National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad.
Hasan Javed’s many books focus on China. In his recently published “China’s model of development, lessons for Pakistan”, he pointed out that the Chinese economic and development template offer a lot of useful lessons for the developing countries.
Syed Hasan Javed is a retired ambassador and former Deputy head of Mission in Beijing.
Hasan told Gwadar Pro that the book comprises a major portion of his lectures on “China’s development Experience” to achieve rapid modernization, prosperity and poverty alleviation.
For centuries Pakistan has been historically a bridge for China to connect with West Asia, Middle East and South Asia. With BRI and CPEC, Pak- China relationship has been elevated to a higher level.