Beijing calls for efforts to promote peace in Libya

DM Monitoring

UNITED NATIONS: China’s permanent representative to the United Nations called for efforts to promote lasting peace in Libya.
“The current situation in Libya is taking on positive momentum. The international community should seize the hard-won window of opportunity to promote lasting peace and sustainable development in Libya,” Zhang Jun told the Security Council’s virtual meeting on Libya.
“China welcomes the signing of the ceasefire agreement by the parties to the Libyan conflict on Oct. 23 under the framework of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission. We appreciate the parties’ political will to achieve a ceasefire and the work done by Acting Special Representative (Stephanie) Williams and UNSMIL (United Nations Support Mission in Libya),” he said.
“Only when the ceasefire agreement is effectively implemented can the hard-won peace be truly consolidated. China calls for an early establishment of a mutually acceptable ceasefire monitoring mechanism,” the ambassador added.
Zhang also called on related parties to continuously advance political dialogue.
“China appreciates the efforts made by Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and other regional and neighboring countries in promoting intra-Libyan political dialogue and welcomes the resumption of the Libyan political dialogue forum,” the envoy said.
“The international community should fully respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Libya and persist in promoting a Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political process under the framework of the United Nations,” he added. Zhang said that terrorism in and around Libya remains an important threat to international and regional security. “The international community should maintain a high degree of vigilance, strengthen coordination and cooperation in an effort to jointly respond to challenges and resolutely combat terrorism in all its forms,” noted the ambassador, adding that “sanctions should be applied prudently and in a steady manner.”