Kabul’s stance on US exit strategy

THE sitting government in Kabul is genuinely unhappy over the fast exit strategy of the United States. In an interview with the Associated Press in Ankara, Abdullah Abdullah Chairman Afghan High Peace Council expressed reservation about the process of American troops’ drawdown. He said that the US decision to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan has come too soon, as his country is still struggling to attain peace and security amid the ongoing conflict. However, he said that Afghanistan respects the decision of the US for its troops’ reduction. Abdullah Abdullah was in Ankara to seek Turkey’s support for the negotiations between the Afghan government and Taliban. The talks have made little progress so far. It merits mention that when Taliban was on the saddle of power in Kabul Turkey had relations with the leaders of Northern Alliance.
Kabul government gave a moderate critique over the US Acting Secretary of State Christopher Miller announcement American troops’ reduction in Afghanistan from 4500 to 2500 by January 15. According to Afghan official, the rapid reduction in American troops will strengthen the negotiation position of Taliban who have not ceased the hostilities against the government. Taliban seems still intoxicated with their February, 29 peace agreement signed with the US. Perhaps they are underestimating the threat of ISIS to the return of peace to Afghanistan and designs of regional spoilers of peace process. The terrorist organisation fired dozens of rockets on Kabul on Saturday hours before the meeting of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with Taliban negotiators in Doha, persuading them to resume dialogue with government. The attack killed 8 people and injured 30. ISIS has already established strongholds inside Afghanistan and has claimed the responsibility of several terrorist attacks in the past, including the ones on Hazara community in the Afghan capital Kabul and the one on Jalalabad prison in August. It is a part of the Doha agreement that soil of Afghanistan should not be allowed to be used by ISIS Khorasan, the outfits that operate under its umbrella and Al-Qaida. Pakistan and other countries of the region including Central Asian States, China, Iran and even Russia are worried about the presence of sanctuaries of ISIS and other terrorists outfits inside Afghanistan and their spell-over effect on other countries, which will endanger the security situation in the region.