China fully cooperates with WHO to trace origin of Corona

BEIJING: China and WHO have been in communication and cooperation on the origin tracing of the virus. While tracing the origin domestically, China has been earnestly implementing WHA resolutions.
This was stated here by the spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian at a regular news briefing.
He confirmed that WHO’s team of international experts will travel to China soon for work related to origins of COVID-19.
The spokesperson added: ” We are the first to invite WHO experts in for origin-tracing cooperation. We also held video conferences with WHO experts recently.
Origin-tracing is a scientific matter that requires international research and cooperation by scientists across the globe, so as to advance the understanding of animal reservoirs and the route of transmission to humans, which will help to better prevent future risks to protect the life and health of people in all countries.
This is an ongoing process that may involve many countries and places. We hope all relevant countries will adopt a positive attitude and cooperate with WHO like China does, making contributions to global origin-tracing and anti-epidemic cooperation.” Replying to a question, Zhao Lijian said, ” It has already been 23 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland, and yet the British government still tries to poke its nose into Hong Kong affairs while hurling unfounded accusations at China by publishing the so-called Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong. We firmly oppose and strongly condemn this.
Since Hong Kong’s return, the Central Government of China has been earnestly implementing the principles of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy, acting in strict accordance with the Basic Law, and fully supporting the Chief Executive and the SAR Government in exercising law-based governance. Hong Kong people enjoy full rights and freedoms in accordance with law. The Chinese Government is unswervingly determined to implement “one country, two systems”, to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and to oppose any external interference in Hong Kong’s affairs.
Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China and that the United Kingdom has no right of supervision over or moral obligation towards it and has no right to interfere in Hong Kong affairs by citing the Sino-British Joint Declaration.
During its colonial rule, the UK never granted democracy to Hong Kong. Today, the UK is in no position to sit as a judge.
We urge it to discard colonial mentality, abandon hypocrisy and double standards, stop meddling in other countries’ domestic affairs, and get back to the right track of upholding international law and basic norms of international relations as soon as possible.” – Agencies