China smartly extends growth strategy to globe

BEIJING: At three major multilateral events in November, the 12th BRICS Summit, the 27th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Economic Leaders’ Meeting and the 15th Group of 20 (G20), Leaders’ Summit, President Xi Jinping explained China’s new development policy and propositions for global economic recovery following the impact of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed the state media on them. This is an edited version of his interview:
These three multilateral events were held as the world is coping with the pandemic of a century, a serious global economic recession and a series of turbulences and changes. President Xi Jinping propelled the international community to coordinate COVID-19 control and prevention with economic and social development, cooperate to shape the post-pandemic international order, and strengthen global economic governance to build a community with a shared future for humanity.
He put forth 23 important initiatives, proposals and measures, elaborated on China’s new development paradigm and sent a clear signal that China will pursue high-quality development while continuing to further open up to the outside world.
Solidarity against COVID-19: With COVID-19 still raging around the world, Xi called for upholding the concept of people-centered development and putting people and life first. Solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons in fighting COVID-19 and all countries should replace differences with solidarity, eliminate prejudice with rationality, and work together.
He called on all parties to support the leading role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the combat, strengthen joint prevention and control and telemedicine, and share the experience of using digital technology in fighting COVID-19 and achieving economic recovery. An international recognition mechanism for health codes should be built and a global firewall built against the pandemic jointly.
Regarding COVID-19 vaccines, he reaffirmed that China will continue to support and participate in international cooperation, share its achievements with others, particularly developing countries, and work to make vaccines a global public good accessible and affordable to people around the world.
China has set up a BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center to advance collective vaccine research and trials, authorize production and recognize each other’s standards among the five-member organization of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Xi proposed a BRICS symposium on traditional medicine to explore its role in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item