Beijing seeks SCO’s future development

BEIJING: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made a four-pronged proposal for the future development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), calling for fostering a secure and stable development environment, consolidating integrated development, leveraging the catalytic role of sci-tech innovation and pursuing people-centered cooperation.
Li made the remarks in Beijing while addressing the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which was held via video link on Monday.
Noting that the SCO members have joined hands to fight against the virus since the outbreak of COVID-19, Li expressed the hope that all parties would implement the outcomes of the recently held SCO summit and steadily advance the SCO’s cooperation agendas so as to open up new vistas for its development in the post-pandemic era.
He called on SCO members to continue to carry out joint counter-terrorism exercises and cooperation on deradicalization, effectively deal with such new challenges as cyber terrorism, and jointly safeguard data security.
He also called for supporting Afghanistan’s national reconciliation process and helping the country restore stability and development at an early date. SCO members should uphold openness and cooperation and lift regional trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, Li said, calling on members to align the Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies of the member states and promote high-quality regional interconnectivity. –PNP