China’s vitality to blunt 2nd virus wave in Pakistan

By Mahnoor

ISLAMABAD: As the second wave of COVID 19 pandemic is taking its heavy toll on Pakistan, China is in robust action to help Pakistan overcome contagion, said by Prof. Dr Javed Akram, Vice Chancellor University of Health Sciences (UHS), awarded as “Best Educational Institute in Healthcare” by World Education Congress Asia.
“China’s timely cooperation through medial and financial aids underpinned Pakistan government in securing thumbing success against COVID-19 during the first wave of SARs-CoV-2. With more continuous assistance by Chinese leadership on second wave, Pakistan may make a turnaround again,” he predicted. He said that Chinese doctors’ teams which guided and trained Pakistan medical professionals produced desired results and it was highly likely that previous gains would make a difference during the second wave.
He applauded China’s recent emergency grant of Rs17 million to the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) for medical and livelihood assistance of the people severely hit by the COVID-19 during the second wave of infection. In a query about the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) donation regarding medical supplies worth 36.68 million rupees (about 231,000 U.S. dollars) to Pakistan, he said that such gestures could never be paid back.
He said that UHC, a top degree awarding university recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and accredited by professional councils such as Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC), Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) and Pharmacy Council of Pakistan (PCP), will aspire to have further synergic collaboration with Chinese Medical Institutions. “Covid-19 is neither going anywhere nor did it get blunt unless drastic behavioral changes are tuned in with set series of SOPs and 20 percent to 40 percent of the population is vaccinated,” he replied a question.
“Topmost thing in purging Pandemic rest with our new refined lifestyle. If we alter our pattern of attitude by getting adapted to good habits like sanitization and washing hands, normal life will be restored,” he added.
Sounded the alarm bells, he revealed that until a single SARS-CoV-2 carrier does exist, spiral threat of outbreak may continue to haunt and if it happens, precious lives are in danger. He debunked that myths that the Covid-19 virus has mutated and its new strain has been playing havoc in Pakistan brimming with second wave intensity. He said categorically that scientific studies do not buy this version. “Since the day it made its entry in Pakistan, it stays unchanged till date,” he added.
On a query, he said that there is no doubt in conceding the fact that the second wave has posted upward trajectory and besieged many areas of the country with a rising positive ratio. It is high time that the government must come up with a stern action plan to diffuse the severity of virus as any delinquency may cost too much, he warned. He also advised all and sundry to discern the reality that Covid-19 is an open enemy. “People should not drop their guard. They will have to instill the sense in their hearts and minds that sanitized life will have to be practiced giving up bad values in daily routine,” he added.
“Once, we survived SARS-CoV-2 although our health system and infrastructure were not able to cope with virus lethality. Behold, luck does not come every time. Since people have yet to wake up to the situation, health systems are getting overburdened with fewer bed spaces and scan availability of ventilators,” he added. Resurgence of second wave is also going to be a nightmare for health workers. As the flow of patients is rife, he said, heavy load of work and stress are the order of day.
About public awareness to fight Covid-19 in a befitting manner, UHC had launched a telemedicine portal to provide home-based consultation through technology free of cost. Through this portal, the public get aware of how to mold life against the virus following the instructions of doctors via online. In traditional methods, people tend to visit hospitals with their attendants that ultimately leads to crowd swell. The rush of people unleashes high chances of rapid increase of virus ratio. The unsavory phenomenon will also contaminate hospitals and if it happens, it might be a recipe for disaster, he added.
In case, patient direly needed hospitalization, portal will make it happen by itself. Enforcing UHC’s own health security protocols, patients will be shifted to hospital for required medical cure.