‘India risk for world peace’

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday said that by continuously violating ceasefire violations, India has been violating international laws and the international community must know that confrontation between two nuclear-armed countries would be dangerous for the world peace.
He attended the TRT World Forum 2020 through video link. The forum focusing on the theme ‘Shifting Dynamics: The International Order in a Post-Pandemic World’ was also attended by Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Speaking on the occasion, the foreign minister said that the topic of the debate is very important because over 60 million people around the world have suffered due to the pandemic while around 1.4 million people have lost their lives.
Qureshi said that Pakistan also faced numerous challenges due to COVID-19 but Islamabad succeeded in controlling the pandemic with its strategy. “I think the world was not ready to meet this challenge,” he added.
The minister while emphasizing on promoting international diplomacy for reducing tension and resolution of conflicts said Kashmir is the oldest issue of South Asia, pending on UN Security Council s agenda.
He said situation has further deteriorated in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.
Qureshi went on to say that the international community should know that any confrontation between two nuclear powers, Pakistan and India, will pose serious threat to global peace. Regarding Afghanistan, the foreign minister said peace in Afghanistan and regional stability will remain under threat if the world does not pay any heed to the situation in South Asia.
Talking about the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic, the Foreign Minister stressed the need for collective and global efforts to protect humanity by ensuring availability of necessary medical equipment, vaccine, and financial support to all, especially the poor countries.