Qualification quotas for Hockey World Cup changed

Bureau Report

Karachi: The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has modified the qualification quotas for the upcoming FIH Women’s and Men’s World Cups, to be played in 2022 and 2023 respectively.
The changes were made on Thursday under the chairmanship of FIH President Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra, the Executive Board (EB) of the International Hockey Federation (FIH). The meeting was held via video conference. The traditional qualifying round has been scrapped as now ‘teams will qualify based on their performance at the final competition of each 2021 Continental Championship’.
According to the new quota for men’s qualification, seven teams from Europe, four from Asia (including hosts), two from Oceania, two from Pan America and one from Africa will qualify. For women, six teams from Europe (including hosts), one from Africa, four from Asia, two from Oceania, and three from Pan America will qualify.