Unavailability of Oxygen claims 5 lives at KTH

Bureau Report

PESHAWAR: At least six patients admitted at the Covid-19 and one other ward died at the Khyber Teaching Hospital in Peshawar on Saturday night as the hospital ran out of oxygen supply.
Hospital’s spokesperson, Farhad Khan on Sunday confirmed that six patients died due to lack of oxygen supply. “Of the six, five were admitted in the Covid-19 ward, whereas one other was admitted at a different ward,” he added.
He said the facility usually receives oxygen cylinders from Rawalpindi, however the last batch did not arrive in Peshawar on time causing serious problems.
During winters, patients require a higher quantity of oxygen supply, he said, adding that the hospital was carrying out an investigation regarding the delay.
Khan added that the hospital’s director had formed an investigation committee that would be looking into the incident.
According to hospital officials, the Khyber Teaching Hospital’s central oxygen plant has the capacity to store 10,000 liters, that are supplied by a company called BOC in Rawalpindi.
Reports add that due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, oxygen cylinders were being supplied to hospitals across the province, and it was because of the high demand that the supply run got delayed.
Action in 48 hours: Following the incident, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Chief Minister Mahmood Khan directed the provincial chief secretary and health minister to order a probe into the incident, to be conducted by the hospital’s board of governors, and have the inquiry completed in 48 hours.
“If the investigation is not completed within the stipulated time, the provincial government will hold an independent inquiry itself,” he warned.
The chief minister added that the incident was a display of severe neglect and irresponsibility at the hands of those responsible.
He added that the incident’s report will be made public, and those responsible will be dealt with severely.
K-P Health Minister Taimur Jhagra directed the hospital board to probe the incident and take action within two days.
“There was an incident at KTH last night involving a shortage of oxygen supply. I have directed the BoG to conduct an immediate inquiry & take action within 48 hours.
If found unsatisfactory, or if otherwise required, the govt will immediately order its own independent inquiry,” Jhagra tweeted.
He further added, “All the facts of the case will be made public. A request meanwhile to not circulate unverified information on social media.
Neither this, nor any other incident will be left unused, to improve the health system; it’s service; and it’s system of accountability and transparency.”
Special Assistant on Infnormation to the K-P chief minister Kamran Bangash said the incident was unfortunate, but action will be taken in 48 hours, and those responsible will be brought to justice.