No Gas outages this winter

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce and Investment Abdul Razak Dawood tweeted on Monday that the export-oriented industry will be supplied uninterrupted gas this winter.
He said: “We are now heading into the winter & there may be gas shortages. The Government has decided that for Export-Oriented Industry, there will be no outages of gas supply.” Razak asked industries to report any disruption in gas supply to the Ministry of Commerce so that it can be brought to the attention of the ministry concerned to take corrective action.
On November 21, Sindh energy minister Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh had said domestic gas crisis in the province has intensified with the advent of winter while the federal government has done nothing about it.
Since the winter has barely arrived, domestic consumers have begun experiencing gas shortage already while the province was being compelled to buy expensive gas notwithstanding the fact that it produces it locally, he said.