Premier admits biggest mistake

-Says not going to IMF immediately was govt’s biggest mistake

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan conceded that his government’s “biggest mistake” was not securing a financial deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) immediately after getting elected.
This was said by the prime minister during an interview on Tuesday with editors of various newspapers where he spoke various issues, including the Opposition’s protest movement, the coronavirus pandemic and international conspiracies being hatched against Pakistan.
“A coalition comprising a few countries does not want to see a strong Pakistan,” PM Imran Khan reportedly said. “Whatever happened in Iraq, happened for the same reason. Iraq and Iran were made to fight each other in an attempt to break up the two nations,” he added.
PM Imran touched upon heightening tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, saying that efforts were being made “according to a plan” by an ‘source’ to weaken the two nations.
He said that the same was being done to Pakistan.
“There is a source behind whatever is happening inside Pakistan,” said the prime minister, without alluding to what he meant.
“Efforts are being made to create instability across the country.”
The prime minister said that his government’s “biggest mistake” was not going to the IMF immediately after getting elected.”In times of such a financial crisis, we should have immediately gone to the IMF,” he said. The premier also spoke about another mistake that his government made.
“The second biggest mistake was not initiating the process of institutional reforms,” he said.
The premier responded to reports of Opposition members resigning from the Parliament in the coming days, saying, “We will immediately hold elections if Opposition resigns from assembly.”
PM Imran Khan reiterated his position that the government was willing to hold a dialogue with the Opposition on every issue but “no talks on giving NRO will be held with the Opposition”.He said the government will immediately hold local government elections after the Senate elections are held.Referring to protest movements by the Opposition’s PDM, the premier said that the government will not use force against them.”The Opposition wants to instigate chaos in the country, they want the government to use force [against it],” he said.
During the interview, he also said that 40 representatives of the PML-N were landgrabbers.Speaking about not going to the Parliament, PM Imran said he wanted to present his point of view there but “they [Opposition members] don’t even let me talk there”.
PM Imran Khan said that the coronavirus was getting “dangerous” by the day, adding that it still wasn’t clear how damaging will the infection be for the country.He said the government was making rapid progress in the construction sector which in turn was having a positive effect on the economy.Speaking on the civil-military relations, PM Imran said that every policy of his government is supported by the armed forces.