Kyrgyz FM hold talks with Russian businessmen

Bishkek: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev met with representatives of a number of Russian companies and associations operating in the Kyrgyz Republic with the participation of Russian Ambassador Nikolay Udovichenko and Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Kyrgyzstan Valery Latypov.
Minister Kazakbaev noted friendly and allied relations, strategic partnership and constant political dialogue between Kyrgyzstan and Russia at the highest and high levels. “A meaningful political dialogue has been established between our countries. At all levels, there is productive cooperation in various fields, as well as partnership within the framework of Eurasian integration,” he noted.
The head of the foreign policy department emphasized the impact of COVID-19 on the country’s economy and expressed gratitude to the Russian government and Russian companies for their help in overcoming it.
Kazakbaev, noting the stabilization of the internal political situation in the Kyrgyz Republic and the measures taken by the new authorities to ensure the safety of employees of Russian enterprises and the safety of their property, assured that the Kyrgyz side intends to continue to pursue a policy to improve the conditions for the implementation of investment projects in the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, attention was focused on the plans of the new government of the Kyrgyz Republic in carrying out fundamental reforms in all areas of the state apparatus.
In turn, the Russian Ambassador Nikolai Udovichenko thanked for the meeting and noted that such an event is the first of its kind in recent years. –PNP