Ashrafi calls on Kuwait’s Envoy

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Bilateral relations between Pakistan and Kuwait will be strengthened in all respective sectors and areas. Reconciliation role on part of Kuwait to resolve differences between Arab countries is very appreciating and valuable, said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council, Special Representative to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony and Middle East.
In a meeting with Kuwait’s Ambassador to Pakistan Nassar Abdulrahman J Al-Mutairi, Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that Kuwait’s Government and people of Kuwait have always promoted affection, moderation and compassion. Pakistan values and welcome each and every bid and endeavour to resolve differences and misunderstandings between Muslim countries, said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Special Aide to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony adding that Pakistan values its relations with Kuwait.
Following the meeting of Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi and Kuwait’s Ambassador to Pakistan Nassar Abdulrahman J Al-Mutairi, here on Wednesday, both the dignitaries vowed and resolve to further strengthened relations between Pakistan and Kuwait in all areas with exchange of cooperation. Both the dignitaries underlined that with exchange of delegates between Kuwait and Pakistan, cooperation between both the countries will be extended in areas of trade, economy and culture adding that employment opportunities for Pakistanis will also be generated in Kuwait.
Meanwhile, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Special Representative to Prime Minister on Interreligious Harmony also held meeting with Interior Minister Brigadier (R) Ijaz Shah and held detailed discussions on Interreligious Harmony and