Chinese traders feel at home in Pakistan

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: “Pakistan is the top priority of Chinese traders. Pakistani businessmen and institutions also provide full support to Chinese businessmen.
We never feel like we are in another country; instead, we feel Pakistan as our home,” said Zukai, chief executive of Chinese company Kai Jing and Mawin Jun. He expressed these views while attending the Chinese delegation meet-up with Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) President Mian Anjum Nisar in PFCCI office, Islamabad. “In order to protect the people of the two countries from the Corona pandemic, our company in collaboration with Pakistani companies has created a modern kit for quick and accurate diagnosis of Corona which gives 95% result in 55 minutes,” he said. “With it, we will also test within Chinese and Pakistani partner companies operating in Pakistan,” he added. PFCCI President Mian Anjum Nisar mentioned, “the special interest, diligence, and love from the Chinese government, investors, and businessmen that strengthen Pakistan’s economy will never be forgotten by the businessmen and people of Pakistan.”
“We are happy that the same love is felt by the Chinese people and businessmen for Pakistan as the love, people and businessmen of Pakistan have for China,” he added.