‘With whom PDM wants talks if not PM’?

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed asked on Thursday who does the opposition Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) desire to holds talks with if it is not willing to hold dialogue with PM Imran Khan.
Addressing a press conference, he said: “The people they [opposition parties] have a desire [to hold talks with] are against Nawaz Sharif’s narrative and agenda.” He was of the opinion that political parties should not shut the doors of dialogue.
Talking to journalists a day earlier, the prime minister had said democracy will work in the country only if a national dialogue is held between the government and the opposition. He dared the opposition to move a no-confidence motion against him in the National Assembly. Rasheed termed 2021 a crucial year and asked the opposition whether they want to put the country’s politics at stake for the sake of just one person. “December, 13, 14, 15, and 16 will bring good news for PM Imran Khan,” he predicted.
He said opposition lawmakers’ resignations from assemblies make no difference to PM Khan. The minister said the prime minister will get stronger after Senate elections scheduled to take place in March 2020 while opposition leaders will face harder times.