Islamabad hails Afghan peace progress

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: Pakistan has commended fresh progress in the ongoing talks in Doha aimed at ending the conflict in Afghanistan, but warned against spoilers’ ploys to undermine efforts for a peaceful settlement in the war-torn country.
“Spoilers, from within or without, must not be allowed to subvert the success of these negotiations and prevent a comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan,” Ambassador Munir Akram told the UN General Assembly on Thursday. “The machinations of such spoilers must be defeated,” he said during a debate on the situation in Afghanistan.
Expressing concern at the high level of violence in Afghanistan, Ambassador Akram said that Pakistan shares the international community’s determination not to allow Afghan soil to be used by Al-Qaeda, ISIL/Da’esh or other groups to threaten or attack other countries.
“Terrorism has had a devastating impact on Afghanistan and its neighbouring countries,” the Pakistan envoy said.
At the outset, he said Pakistan and Afghanistan are linked by unbreakable bonds and their destinies are intertwined. Pakistan has shared Afghanistan’s trials and tribulations and hopes to share its joy when peace is established.
“A peaceful and stable Afghanistan is indispensable for peace and stability in the region and beyond,” Ambassador Akram told the 193-member Assembly.He pointed out that Prime Minister Imran Khan has consistently maintained that the conflict in Afghanistan can be ended, not by military force, but through a political settlement involving the full spectrum of Afghanistan’s political landscape.