– RAW’s Special Operations Division head Chhota Rajan given the task – Chhota Rajan gang’s services otherwise given to Hasina for help in polling campaign – RAW wants Awami League’s win but without Hasina on the scene – Lodhi Road planners also believe AL can’t win without 2004 like plan – RAW plan aimed to earn India desired govt at Dhaka with elimination of over demanding Hasina
– RAW already working on at least three AL leaders as Hasina’s replacement – Chhota Rajan people arranged assassinations of many Al leaders including Ahsanulllah Master in past – Rajan gang haunting Bangladeshi judiciary through mafia tactics to get required judgments – Abdul Quadir Molla’s death sentence had Rajan gang’s backing – Rajan Gang also used in the massacre of Royal Nepalese family a few years back – Failed or successful assassination bid on Hasina would be credited to ISI or some Pakistan based Islamist groups by linking it with Molla’s hanging – Dr. Dipu Moni, Syed Ashraful Islam and Sheikh Taposh considered being amongst Hasina’s potential replacements
Makhdoom Babar
Indian Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) that played the key role in disintegration of East Pakistan with subsequent creation of Bangladesh and is still holding the reign of Dhaka, is reported to have come up with the plan of assassination of the otherwise pro-India Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid who is also the head of the ruling party, the Awami League, the Investigations of The Daily Mail reveal.
These investigations indicate that despite the fact that Sheikh Hasina Wajid has been very much pro-India and has delivering to the requirements of New Delhi for the past many years but it has become a unanimous approach at Lodhi Road headquarters of RAW at New Delhi that it is about time to get rid of Hasina as One; she has become over demanding and second; it is not possible to get Awami League a win in the upcoming General election without creating a huge tragedy for the party to earn it a sympathy vote.

The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that last year and earlier this year, Hasina had miserably pleaded to her mentor at New Delhi to help her in securing her party position in the upcoming general elections. After repeated requests, Indian government directed RAW to extend the support to Hasina in this regard after which, in September, 2013, Hasina was handed over the services of Chhota Rajan gang that is actually the Special Operations Division of RAW, used for all the unauthorized and unsanctioned operations of RAW while it is also used for generating funds for RAW’s unsanctioned operations through mafia acts.
Earlier in 2004, RAW had extended the very similar support to Hasina Wajid to win the polls and the same Chhota Rajan gang was sent to Bangladesh to deliver in this direction. The Daily Mail’s investigations further indicate that in 2008, Awami League won the General Elections with a thumping majority but this win had a lot of blood in its foundations. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that before 2008 polls, after the arrival of Chhota Rajan gang in Bangladesh, Awami League suffered the assassination of several key members. Popular young leader Ahsanullah Master, a Member of Parliament from Gazipur, was killed. This was followed by the death of 22 party members, including party women’s secretary Ivy Rahman. Finally, the party’s electoral secretary, ex finance minister, and veteran diplomat Shah M S Kibria, a Member of Parliament from Habiganj, was killed in a grenade attack in Sylhet . It appears that Hasina, through Chhota Rajan gang, was organizing a cleansing in the party and was getting rid of those from whom she felt threatened of taking over the party affairs and Ahsanullah Master was one of them. These investigations reveal further that the process of elimination of different members of Awami League continued by Chhota Rajan Gang from 2004 to 2008.
The investigations indicate that although the General elections were scheduled to take place on January 22, 2007 but on the recommendations of Chhota Rajan, the Awami League decided to boycott the polls which were later held in 2008. Awami league won national election on December 29, 2008 as the home work in this direction was completed by RAW’s Chhota Rajan gang.
The investigations indicate that in 2012, while handing over the services of Chhota Rajan’s wing to Hasina, RAW instructed Rajan gang to organize assassination of Hasina Wajid before the polls, during the political campaign process. “Hasina has brought home her own assassin and she even doesn’t know this fact”, commented an underworld mafia boss while giving his observation over the situation. According to sources in the Mumbai and Dhaka underworld, Rajan gang has been tasked first to create a situation where chances of political assassinations should become more obvious just before the polls and then to get the job done softly but the execution of Hasina should be done in such a scenario where shadows of doubts could easily be shifted towards Pakistan’s involvement. According to these sources that the very strange faces that are seen with Hasina these days are of those of Chhota Rajan’s operators and one such face is known as Baboo Bhai, who has free excess to Hasina any time. Baboo’s people have also been found haunting different Judges in Bangladesh and have been threatening the Judges of kidnapping their family members to get the required judgments in different cases. It is learnt that many judgments, passed in the few past months by different judges in Bangladesh with regard to executions of different political opponents of Hasina were having the background of Baboo Bhai’s threats while in one case, Baboo Bhai’s people abducted the daughter of a senior Judge and she was released only after the Judge assured to pass required judgment, though the matter was never reported to the police officially by the said Judge. While one Judge, Nizamul Haq, who was the first victim of Rajan Gang’s threats, resigned from the post in December 2012 when he was deeply harassed and later engulfed into a scandal, organized by RAW and Chhota Rajan’s people. Judge Nizamul Haq was heading a tribunal of Bangladesh’s so-called war crimes, scripted by RAW. Investigations indicate that the death sentence to JI leader Abdul Qadir Mollah , last week was also issued on the behest of Chhota Rajan’s Baboo Bhai as Hasina Wajid was against it. Hasina tried to withhold the death sentence as she knew that this would spark large scale violence and thus there was no implementation on the verdict for quite some time but Hasina found herself helpless when she was told by RAW and through Baboo Bhai that without Qadir’s execution, they cannot guarantee her success in the upcoming polls as this execution was to convey a very strong massage to her opponents. According to certain unconfirmed reports, Baboo and his people in fact, themselves strangled Qadir to death and thus Hasina government was left with no other option but to officially announce his execution.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW felt that only Qadir’s execution could generate enough spark in Bangladesh where they could get their sinister plans fulfilled with enough convenience. According to these investigations, RAW believed that Qadir’s execution has already created such an environment where any bid, failed or successful, on Hasina Wajid’s life could pave the ways for putting the blame on Pakistan’s ISI or Pakistan-based Islamist outfits as Qadir’s execution has already sparked an acute rage amongst the Muslim fundamentalist organizations across Pakistan with Jamaat Islami emerging as the biggest reactor.
On the other side, RAW has been very active in arranging replacement of Hasina to head Awami league with ultimately heading the Bangladesh government. The RAW officials have been focusing on three persons including Dr. Moni Dipu, Syed Ashraful Islam and Sheikh Taposh. According to sources, RAW officials have been holding separate meetings with all three of them, assuring each of them to be installed as AL head, in case something happens to Hasina. Each one of them has been given assurance of becoming the new Bangladesh Premier and each one of them has responded positively to the RAW move.
The Investigations indicate that the RAW officials held at least 18 meetings with Dipu Mohini during the last 2 years or so. Dipu Moni is a senior politician of the country who served as the 16th Foreign Minister of Bangladesh from 2009 to 2013. She was appointed the first female Foreign Minister in 6 January 2009 . Moni. Whose father M A Wadud was one of the core founding members of Awami League, was the Secretary for Women’s Affairs and a Member of the Sub‐Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Awami League before her induction to the cabinet. She represented Chandpur as a Member of Parliament. She worked for women’s rights and entitlements, health legislation, health policy and management, health financing, strategic planning, and health and human rights under the Constitution and law in Bangladesh’s economic and social development programmes and foreign policy issues of the region and globally. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, she has represented her party’s position to the Cabinet Ministers and public representatives of Asia, Europe and the USA, Ambassadors and Senior Representatives of International Institutions. She writes, teaches, consults, researches, conducts advocacy programmes, organizes and leads health service clinics, promotes legislation on key issues
She is one of two Master Trainers for Women political Activists of the Party in which regard she has trained women political activists under a programme of her party that she helped design and implement in a close relationship with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) of the United States. RAW has been nurturing and cultivating her since 2010
The other RAW blue eyed in the game is Sayed Ashraful Islam. Ashraful Islam is again a very seasoned politician and currently the general secretary of the party. Ashraful was one of the top RAW puppets during 1971 plan of RAW to disintegrate East Pakistan and to create Bangladesh. Even his father Syed Nazrul Islam remained in very close association of Indian army and RAW during the 1971 episode and thus the entire family is considered to be Raw oriented.. He became the general secretary of greater Mymensingh district Chhatra League and assistant publicity secretary of the central unit. He also worked as the acting general secretary of the party after the arrest of its general secretary Abdul Jalil. Ashraful left for England after the killing of his father in 1975. He completed HSC 1973 from Maymonsing Jilla school. He came back to Bangladesh in 1996 and was elected lawmaker from Kishoreganj Sadar in the 7th national elections. He was elected a lawmaker in the 2001 election too. He worked as a member of the parliamentary standing committee on foreign ministry. His electoral pledges include building up developed road and rail link from Dhaka to Kishoreganj. RAW official have been working on him since 2006 and he was the covering candidate for RAW for Premiership in the previous BD polls.
The third RAW target for the purpose is reported to be Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh. Taposh;s father, Sheikh Fazlul Haque Mani was also a seasoned Bangladeshi politician and was the nephew of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and the founder of Mukti Bahini, one of the major guerilla forces, created by RAW during the 1971 episode. It is generally believed that after Fazal’s death, RAW has constantly been looking after Taposh and his family and the agency started nurturing him as the potential candidate to head the Aawami League since 2009.
The investigations indicate that though has been cruising on with Hasina Wajid cofortablayy for past many decades but for the last few years, there emerged a unanimous though at New Delhi to replace her from the scene as she had become a bit adamant and rather over demanding.
About Chhot Rajan Gang
Investigations indicate that in 2004, the Bangladeshi intelligence authorities got reasonable evidences of Delhi blessed terror activities in different parts of Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi officials also believed that India’s officially patronized underworld Dons were also playing havoc with Bangladeshi economy through one way or the other and termed it as RAW’s financial terrorism against Bangladesh, though they had a variety of complaints about direct Indian terrorism in the country. Likewise, the Nepalese authorities though said to be under a comprehensive Indian and particularly RAW influence did develop, in the same period, some serious reservations about Delhi blessed terrorism in Nepal. According The Daily Mail’s investigations, a Western Intelligence agency had provided Katmandu with reasonable undeniable evidences of Indian hand in murder of Nepalese King Brendra along with other members of Royal family by Nepalese Crown Prince Dipendra. Though this Royal massacre was attributed to Prince’s love affair but it had a great conspiracy behind it as the said Western intelligence officials had provided Katmandu with solid reports about Prince being cultivated by RAW for years. The intelligence reports in this direction suggest that King Brendra was murdered when he was to announce a major decision about RAW’s operational freedom in Nepal and had planned to cut down RAW activities in his country, which had virtually become a second RAW home by then. Nepalese government also had sufficient and concrete evidences of comprehensive Indian support to Maoist separatists and very strongly believed that the Maoist rebels were getting military training, arms supplies and finances from India. Furthermore, Katmandu also very anxiously desires for a strong and immediate action from Delhi against India’s underworld Mafia Don Chhota Rajan, who has become an undeclared terror King of Nepal and carry out variety of terror activities in Nepal and is on the record to have confessed killing of Nepal’s MP Mr. Dilshad Mirza.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that almost all the SAARC Members as well as Pakistan are victims of Chhota Rajan gang’s terrorism and want an immediate action against him and his gang from Delhi.
These findings indicate that RAW has extended its network of terrorist activities in numerous countries of the region and world through its Organized Crimes Wing code named Special Operations Division (SOD), being headed by agency’s underworld mafia Don Chhota Rajan through whom RAW is carrying out terrorist activities in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, South Africa, Australia, Morocco, Indonesia and even China.
Diplomatic sources say that the US agencies were constantly monitoring the activities of Indian Intelligence agencies, particularly RAW for quite some time. During this monitoring, these agencies collected the evidences which strongly and clearly indicate that the Indian intelligence agencies had constantly been carrying out terrorist activities in a number of countries of the world while they continue to extend comprehensive support to sponsor the terrorist organizations and extremist groups both within India and across the world. The said reports further highlight that Indian government, a few years back gave RAW the permission to establish a special wing for such activities which was straight away formed with the title of Special Operations Division (SOD). The SOD, according to the said reports, is actually the mafia wing of RAW, which relies on nurturing criminal communities and harbouring underworld Dons and terrorists to run extortion rings, prostitution and gambling rackets, bootlegging operation, drug trafficking, kidnapping for ransom and political activism in many countries. The reports say that the increasing terrorist activities of SOD in the above mentioned countries as well as in Pakistan had now become an issue of a very serious consideration as it is constantly producing specialized terrorist in all parts of the world. The reports say that there were some strong evidences of Indian involvement in the massacre of Nepal’s Royal family when the Nepalese King indicated of minimizing the Indian involvement in Nepal, in 2001. The reports further say that India’s constant support to LTTE militants in Sri Lanka was also something of prime consideration. The reports also indicate presence of terrorist training camps in at least three states of India and recommend an immediate capping of the same as they had become a permanent source of terrorists’ production. These reports also say that SOD has now been commissioning in Afghanistan through Indian diplomatic Missions’ support and there it is operating with an utmost freedom.
Independent investigations disclose that in early 1970s, RAW fell with the late Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi over the issue of financing of the agency’s operations that went well beyond the ambits of the country’s civil law and constitution. Mrs. Gandhi, later, strongly believed that her defeat in the Indian elections of 1970 and coming in power of Murar Ji Desai was orchestrated by RAW. Therefore, when Mrs. Gandhi again took over as Indian Prime Minister in 1980s, she drastically reduced the RAW’s Special Operations’ funds. It was only then that RAW established its shadow division called SOD. As no budgetary provision existed for these sinister designs of RAW, it decided to finance the activities of SOD through underworld operations.
According to The Daily Mail’s investigations, RAW’s mafia wing received the real boost after the recruitment of Chhota as the chief of operations. Rajan Nikhalje alis Chhota Rajan’s life began on the streets of Bombay, where he learnt to fight and rob. He entered the world of criminals, black-marketing cinema tickets. After his mentor Barha Rajan’s death, he was handpicked by RAW to become the Barha[big] Rajan’s successor and gang’s don (however, some reports suggest that Barha Rajan had also been working for RAW but under certain limitations). RAW’s patronage gave him virtual immunity from the law enforcing agencies. He aptly expanded the gang’s smuggling gold and narcotics, extortion, gambling, prostitution, contract killings and other racketeering operations. Due to his links with the Shiv Sena’s ideologue Bal Thackeray and his gang’s involvement in anti-Muslim riots in Bombay, Rajan soon came to be known as the Hindu Don in the Bombay’s underworld Rajan later managed to built up a steady business empire around the world acting as front offices for his illegal operations.
These investigations reveal that the glamorous world of Bollywood immediately caught Rajan’s attention for easy money extortion from the heroes, heroines, producers, directors and distributors etc., who personify virtues on screen and in real life are an amalgamation of deceit, treachery, conspiracy and temerity. RAW has also always had its eyes on the Indian film industry for various reasons. With Rajan’s coming to the scene Indian film industry soon become RAW’s interest in the Bollywood is the fact that the film media serves as the best possible propaganda tool for the agency not only in India but also abroad including Pakistan. A blatant glorification of Hinduism and an utterly distorted fanatic portrayal of Islam is the common message conveyed through the RAW sponsored movies. Terrorism or “Atankbad” is associated with Muslims even if the main theme is not terrorism the scenes of terrorist are deliberately inserted in the script. These terrorists are mostly dressed in Kashmiri Muslims’ attire. RAW itself produces films under the banner of ZEE Movies and in many other cases extends financial patronage in the making of anti-Pakistan or anti-two-nation theory films like Border, Refugee, Mission Kashmir, Fiza, Zameen, Border Hindustan Kaa, Qayamat, Agent Vinod, Bombay 26/11, Aik Thaa Tiger etc., According to Pahlaj Nehlani, President of Film Producers Association of India, the underworld lord (Chhota Rajan) demands overseas rights of all good movies without paying a penny. Top movies stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman, Anil Kapoor, Jackie Sharof, Govinda, Mithun Chakaraborty, Johnny Lever, Juhi Chawala, Mundakani, Manesha Koirala and many others have been doing free shows for Chhota Rajan at Dubai, UK, USA and other countries. The entire Bollywood dances to the tunes of Chhota Rajan during the annual funds raising show at Bal Thackeray’s NGO ‘Mukti’ without any charge. Those who dare to resist are left to face the music of Chhota Rajan’s mobsters. Gulshan Kumar of Super Cassettes Industries was assassinated by Chhota Rajan’s ‘enforcers’ because he refused to sell part of his music empire worth Indian rupees 400 crore to the ZEE music Company of RAW. The conspiracy was hatched when a galaxy of Indian movie starts participated in the opening ceremony of Chhota Rajan’s luxury hotel, in Dubai. Rajan’s key man in Dubai Vivekt Goswani conceived the entire plan.
Rakesh Roshan’s car was fired upon in year 2000, for refusing overseas rights of his movie ‘Kaho Na Pyar Hai’ to Chhota Rajan. Roshan made repentance by asking his son Hrithik to sign RAW’s sponsored movie ‘Mission Kashmir’ produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra for less than his usual fee while in many other cases, Indian Showbiz stars were forced to sign anti-Pakistan movies like Zameen, Qayyamat, Border Hindustan Kaa, LOC Kargil,etc., on fairly low rates under threats from Rajan as RAW wanted to minimize its budget for these films but at the same time desired to have leading filmstars in these movies. DMIC findings further reveal that for each hit movie, the producers have to pay between rupees 3-5 crore to Chhota Rajan. Cable Operators are also operating with the blessings of Rajan. His brother Deepak runs the company by the name of Cable Cop, which offers film producers protection from Cable Operators who telecast new movies without authorization. According to a senior Bombay police officer Sunil Paraskar, all Deepak does is to give a call to the operators warning them not to telecast the movie for which he has taken protection money, officer Sunil also affirmed that never have the cable operators telecast a new film, produced by ‘ZEE Movies’ (as ZEE Movies enjoys comprehensive RAW protection).
The Daily Mail Investigation Cell has learnt that the first assignment abroad given to Rajan by RAW was to develop an underworld network in Nepal. Smuggling had always been a flourishing cottage industry in Nepal, run under the patronage of RAW. The Indian intelligence agency has traditionally relied on the criminal communities in Kathmandu in carrying out its operations in Nepal and using it as a launching pad for subversive activities in other countries of the region and even beyond. Chhota Rajan, a key link in RAW operations, was called to assist RAW in Nepal sometime in the late eighties. Rajan immediately became the linchpin in Nepal’s crime scene. By the early 1990s, Chhota Rajan had put in place a large network of operatives, dealing in materials ranging from gold to narcotics and people smuggling of women from the poor regions of Nepal for sale as prostitutes in Bombay’s brothels and harems of Sheikhs in Middle East.
The Daily mail’s investigations reveal that Rajan’s criminal syndicate was, however, challenged by many conscientious Nepalese. One such person was the Nepalese member parliament, Late Mirza Dilshad Beg, belonging to the Muslim minority community. Dilshad Beg’s campaign against rising crime in Nepal at the behest of RAW became a thorn in the latter’s side. Of particular concern to RAW was the private bill to combat organized crime that Mirza Dilshad Beg intended to move in the Nepalese parliament. Rajan was, therefore, instructed by RAW to get rid of Beg immediately, Rohit Verma alias D’Souza, a trusted lieutenant of Rajan, pulled the job of assassinating Beg while the Nepalese parliament was in session. Chhota Rajan took the responsibility of this cold-blooded murder. In his interview with ‘India Today’ and also to another Indian Journal ‘The Week’ the IGP Nepal, Mr. Kharel also confirmed that Chhota Rajan and his gang were behind Dilshad Beg’s murder. DMIC investigations confirm that besides India, Rajan has assets in Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Kenya, South Africa, Vietnam, Australia, USA and a few European countries. Rajan’s first base outside India and Nepal was Malaysia. Now his associates Babloo Srivastava, Kalia Goga and Guru Satam run the show in Malaysia, while the Singapore circuit has been handed over the Sanjay Khanna by Rajan. Until his assassination in September 2000, Rajan’s right hand Rohit Verma was head of the racket in Thailand. Similarly Ravi Pujari is based in Vietnam and Indonesia to look after the interests over there in yet another direction, The DMIC findings disclose that Pujari works in conjunction with Chhota Rajan in people smuggling of boat people to Australia. His henchman Daya Shetty controls narcotics trafficking from Tangers, Morocco to Spain, France and onwards. His close aide OP Singh runs the New Delhi syndicate whereas none other than Rajan’s own brother Deepak controls the all-important Bombay crime network. Rajan himself until recently was based in Australia where he oversaw the people smuggling operation of illegal immigrants or ‘boat people’ of all nationalities from Indonesia to Australia. The DMIC Investigations also reveal that Rajan had been exporting Vetch a toxic animal fodder of Australia, exported as Daal Masoor by many Australian exporters to different parts of the world) in association with the Melbourne based Indian exporter Dia Ram Sharma.
The DMIC has learnt that Chhota Rjan has been carrying out the RAW mafia operations with remarkable impunity. He always maintained a high profile, giving media interviews boasting his criminal exploit and his gang’s involvement in crime in rosy words. Besides the assassination of Mirza Dilshad Beg, Rajan’s gang carried numerous attacks on their perceived enemies. Chhota Rajan masterminded one such attack in 1995 when he sent four shooters to Dubai and eliminated rival gang members Sawant and Uttam Doifode. Then he sent his top hit men Mangesh Pawar and Vilas Mane to Bangkok and shot dead a rival gang member Anand Panday in his flat. Anand had captured a large chunk of Rajan’s narcotics business in Thailand, which highly offended the fonner. Manesh Pawar was later eliminated by Rajan at Johannesburg (South Africa) as the Thai police had identified and given his photographs to the Interpol. Rajan feared that if arrested Pawar might spill the beans and disclose his trans-national mafia set up in to the Interpol. Then, Rajan’s team attacked Vilas Mane at Amsterdam but he survived.
These investigations reveal that Chhota Rajan and Rohit Verma got their retribution when the concerned Vilas Mane joined hands with Satish Jay who had taken over Anand Panday’s gang after the latter’s assassination. Rohit Verma alias D’Souza had established a front office under the cover of a fashionable jeweler shop in Bangkok to provide cover to his illegal operations. Rajan had also established a firm called ‘Daman Import Export Company’ under a fake name of Vijay Daman. The firm gave Rajan a pretext to frequently visit Thailand to monitor his operations in the country. On 15 September 2000, Mane, Jay and their associates attacked Verma’s apartment killing him and severely injuring his wife Sangeeta and Chhota Rajan’s cover and led to the disclosure of his true identity. The Thai police immediately contacted the Indian police authorities through diplomatic channels. Thai police offered to extradite Chhota Rajan to India despite the non-existence of extradition treaty between the two countries as at least 17 cases are registered including 10 for murder against Chhota Rajan in Maharashtra alone and over 100 cases of extortion and murder against Rohit Verma in India. It was Verma’s extortion calls, which helped his assassins, trace him through CLI. However, the Thais were surprised by the lukewarm response of the Indian authorities to get their hands on one of the most proclaimed offenders and one of their otherwise most wanted criminal of the country. At first the Indians announced the sending of a four-man police team to Bangkok to establish Chhota Rajan’s credentials. But the Indian Ministry of External Affairs stopped the team at the last moment. Owning to lack of persuasion of the case by the Indians, the Thais left Rajan off with a minor fine for entering the country under a false name and deported him. Contrary to the usual practice of deporting illegal foreigners to the country of their origin, the Thais deported Chhota Rajan to Vietnam at the special request of Indian government. The Thai Immigration Police Chief Lt General Hemraj Theerarhai confirmed in an interview what “Rajan was released because the Indians did not want that the cases against him be pursued”.
In light of the aforesaid state of affairs, it can be said that a deadly attack on Hasina wajid by RAW operators is imminent in the coming few days. It cannot be said that is she going to survive this attack or not. However, it is for sure that in either case, the stage has been set to frame ISI or some Pakistan linked religious outfits to this imminent episode.