UN urged to intervene for Kashmir settlement

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: The Jammu and Kashmir Youth Social Forum (JKYSF) has urged the United Nations and other world major powers to intervene for settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.
JKYSF spokesman Shafiq Ahmad strongly denounced the continued harassment, arrest and anti-Kashmir designs of Modi regime asking New Delhi to give up its oppressive policies towards Kashmir, and pave the way for settlement of the dispute in its historical perspective, Kashmir Media Service reported. He reiterated to continue freedom struggle till its logical conclusion.
Meanwhile, a JKYSF delegation visited the grave of martyr Burhan Wani in Pulwama and paid tributes to him and other martyrs of Kashmir.
Earlier, Speakers at a conference on Tuesday said the plight of Kashmiris was a test for the human rights’ global champions as India continued blatant violations of human rights as well as international laws and the United Nations Security Councils (UNSC) Resolutions. They were of a view that India was attempting to alter Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) demography, to end any chance of a plebiscite in accordance with the UNSC resolutions in the disputed territory.
They said in a webinar “A Year after Annexation: Challenges to Restoring Peace and Autonomy in IIOJK”, organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) here. They agreed the Hindutva-inspired machination masqueraded as a move for integration was a dangerous ruse to tailor the demographics and fate of the Muslim majority territory fighting for their right to self-determination for over 70 years.
They lamented that despite Pakistan’s calls to resolve the bilateral dispute in light of critical UNSC resolutions, India continued to maintain its hostile aversion to any transparent, peaceful and legally binding settlement on the matter. Lieutenant General (R) Naeeem Khalid Lodhi said diplomacy alone cannot achieve results – political, economic, military and diplomatic actions must be well aligned and properly sequenced to achieve national goals.