Federal Cabinet reshuffle & PDM

PRIME Minister Reshuffled Federal Cabinet on Friday amid growing tension with opposition. The anti-government movement of PDM is gradually reaching to its peak. The Cabinet reshuffle linked with government strategy to deal with the PDM. One can termed it as realignment of government against PDM. Although several positions have been changed in the Cabinet. Few changes were made due to IHC judgement regarding appointment of SAPMs in Cabinet committees and rest of the changes due to settling down the change of Interior Minister. The government handling of these anti-government PDM rallies was a mix sum of hot and cold responses. At initial stage, government gave some hard time to PDM IN organizing rallies in Gujranwala, Karachi, Peshawar and Multan but latter government allowed the rallies. This relaxation by the government at later stage gave negative impressions about the government. Up to some extent, COVID-19 provided the government a reason to take restrict action against the PDM activities.
There were two different opinions with in government ranks about government’s strategy against PDM. The handling of the PDM by the government machinery comes under Ministry of Interior. Former Interior Minister Ejaz Shah dealt the situation with professional approach as per the policy decided by the government. Government side stayed way from engaging PDM in early stage rather they created more tension through their statements, whereas Opposition was suggesting dialogue at national level. Due to changing situation of country’s politics, government felt need to change its approach. The need to adapt some different and political approach. Government searched for a suitable person who can handle the situation politically both with opposition and bureaucracy. Shaikh Rasheed is the most suitable cabinet member who can better deal with PDM and also have good relationship with establishment and military. The impact of Cabinet reshuffle is quite apparent in PDM rallies in Lahore. Government gave free hand to opposition and district administration fully cooperated with rally organizers. This is the new strategy of the government against PDM. This strategy is similar, but sequence is change, now it is a mix of cold and hot. After this relax treatment or incentive, Government will give hard time if PDM will opt for long march to Islamabad otherwise government is now ready to engage PDM for national dialogue.