RSS leading India to decay: President

DM Monitoring

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi Tuesday said that Indian society was actually falling apart due to the extremist ideology propagated by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) founders and frantically pursued by the Bharatiya Janata Party through its Hindutva policies.
In an exclusive interview with the South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI), a renowned think tank and telecast by PTV, the president said what was happening in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) was a continuous momentum built up for long by whipping up anti-Muslims and anti-minorities policies including forced conversion of Christians by the RSS zealots inside India.
All was done with objectives to rewrite history of India by isolating Muslims and excluding the Muslim era and their contributions by labelling them as something bad for Hindus or India, he added. “What we do when we talk about Kashmir, it is not Kashmir alone, it is the momentum of whatever has been happening in India, which has been anti Muslim, which has been anti-minorities, not only Muslims, but all minorities,” he added.
The president further said there was an Arya Samaj situation created by one of the Hindu Mahasbahi in the late 19th century who talked about it by taking pride in the fact that the Arya Samaj, the religious Hindu culture was important, but then came some writings from Savarkar, in 1923 in which he talked about Hindutva. In his writings he specifically pointed out to three or four things over which he wanted the commitment of Hindus to a fatherland of India, the motherland of India and the religion of India, the president said while tracing back history of RSS.
He said from there, the Hindutva momentum started and then different people led this in different manner, but ultimately, the RSS which came into being, in two or three years later after Savarkar, the organization had very important members like Modi and Advani.
RSS was a violent organization, and the founders of RSS were those like Gowalkar and those who appreciated Hitler’s role rather than depreciated it, the president observed. “Ultimately, the continuous push towards a Hinduisation of India led to what has happened in India, against the Muslims and against all minorities,” he added.
In response to a question, the president referred to a book of Khushwant Singh ‘End of India’ written during 2002, in which the author said “India is going to dogs” and unless a miracle saves us, the country will break up, but not broken up by Pakistan or any other foreign power, which will destroy us we will commit harakiri, we will destroy India ourselves.”
The president said that secular story about India had been changed. The countries which had made progress, had inclusive institutions which were neither extractive or exploitative whereas, India was going in the reverse direction with persistent economic haunting of Dalits, the Muslims and other minorities. The president to a query replied that all commissions, which were formed in India to look at the minorities class, found that there was a bias against them institutionally and within Indian society.