Pak desires peace in Afghanistan

PAKISTAN and Afghanistan both is neighboring brother Muslim Countries. Pakistan has unflinching belief that the grief, peace and prosperity of both nations are tied to each other. Pakistan always played a vital role in bring amity and stability through facilitating Peace Process because a stable Afghanistan is very important for its own peace and stability. Pakistan is working for peace in Afghanistan since the beginning of the Peace process in March 2009. When US government showed willingness for dialogues with moderate elements of Taliban and Afghan government also desired to secure peace before withdrawal of US forces to avoid a civil war in the Country. The effort could not be fruitful due to certain reason. Later, the second attempt was made in shape of track II dialogue with inclusion of civil society in Paris and Toyoko in 2012. The next secession of dialogue between Taliban and Afghan government high peace council was held in Murree in July 2015. Pakistan was the host of the dialogue, while USA and China attended the dialogue as observer. These were the first Afghan led and Afghan owned peace dialogue. The second round of these dialogue could not happen due to killing of the Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor in a US drone attack in May 2016.
Pakistan remained supporter of Afghan peace process for attaining peace and stability in Afghanistan because it was essential for its own stability, development and prosperity. Pakistan could not save itself from the impacts of peace or war in Afghanistan. However, Afghanistan remained a playground for several International and regional players each has its own agenda based on its interests. In Jan 2017, President Donald J. Trump assume office, US Department of State, Bureau of South and Central Asia became a hub of anti-Pakistan elements supported by Hussain Haqqani and others. Before the US officials prepare their South Asia policy, these anti-Pakistan elements published a report titled “A New US approach to Pakistan: Enforcing Aid Conditions without Cutting Ties” to influence the US policy. Infect the US under Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Lisa Curtis was also member of the group of the authors who authored subject report. Finally, President Trump announced the South Asia Strategy which was badly influenced by the previous report. The strategy was India centric and Pakistan was ignored completely and excluded Pakistan from stage. However, Nawaz Sharif government stood fast against the coercive policy of the US. After one year of experience by the US government and due to untiring struggle of Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affair, US government reviewed the policy. President Trump nominated Amb. Zalmey Khalilzad as Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation process and Pakistan was approached to play its role.