Ashrafi calls for addressing issues of minorities

Staff Report

Islamabad: To address the issues of minorities, special Coordination Center has been constituted in the office of Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Special Representative to Prime Minister on Interreligious Harmony and Middle East.
Talking to visiting delegates and representatives of different religions and Religious secs at his office, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi,. special Aide to Prime Minister on Interreligious Harmony and Middle East said that there is no space for forceful conversions and underage forceful marriages in Islam adding that anyone in the country will not be allowed to make panic and fear on the issues of forceful conversions and forceful marriages in the country.
Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi also stated that issues of minorities will be addressed with formation of Interfaith Harmony Councils in the country. Special Aide to Prime Minister on Interreligious Harmony Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi also underlined that any Government representative has neither visited Israel nor the Government has any intention to make relations with Israel adding that elements fanning this baseless propaganda to malign Pakistan in the Islamic world and to make anarchy in the country.
Some elements and enemies of Pakistan and Islam are fanning baseless propaganda in the country and Indian lobbies are fanning baseless propaganda against Islamic Sections of the Constitution of Pakistan. The incumbent PTI government is protector of the Islamic Sections of the Constitution of Pakistan, Namoos-e-Risalat and belief in the finality of proohehod, said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi.
He added that special coordination center has been constituted in his office to address the issues of minorities in the country. He also added that complaints, which were received in the last month about issues of minorities have been resolved. Earlier, while addressing seminary students at Jamia Masajid Marhaba, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi said that all Sections of society including students of Seminaries and school, colleges are united with Pakistan Army to eliminate the menace of extremism and terroosism.