Beijing, Moscow have mutual interests: Russian President

MOSCOW: Russia and China have common interests in many fields, said Russian President Vladimir Putin during his annual press conference, Global Times reported on Friday.
“Concerning China, we have overlapping interests in many areas,” Putin said, adding that these mutual interests have contributed to Russia’s positive relations with China. This year, due to coronavirus-related restrictions, Putin’s annual year-end press conference was held online. Days earlier, China and Russia had extended their agreement on launch notification of both countries’ ballistic missiles and space rockets, which was first signed in October 2009.
Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe and Russian Defense Chief Sergey Shoygu signed the extension document. The two sides held a video conference and emphasized their willingness to deepen practical cooperation and further bilateral ties, according to Chinese Defense Ministry’s WeChat account. Wei said signing of the agreement is a symbol of the continuous deepening cooperation between the two militaries and reflects the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia.
It will push forward relations between the two countries and the two militaries, and also demonstrated China and Russia’s resolution in jointly safeguarding strategic stability of the world, and injected momentum to maintaining international arms control system and world peace and security, Wei said.
Shoygu said in the context of a damaged global arms control system, Russia and China continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination in reporting the launch of ballistic missiles and space carrier rockets, which is conducive to safeguarding global security and stability.
The Global Times reported on December 10 that China-Russia jointly developed airplane making good progress, the original agreement was signed in 2009.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item