Kyrgyzstan assures migrants of firm support

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: Acting President of Kyrgyzstan, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Talant Mamytov sent an appeal Friday on the occasion of International Migrants Day.
In his address to the Kyrgyz people, the acting president noted that 2020 has been a challenge for all of humanity. The coronavirus pandemic is a challenge everyone faces, including Kyrgyzstan that is undergoing a series of political, economic and social changes.
Talant Mamytov assured that problems of migrant workers and issues of interaction with diasporas and compatriots living abroad remain a priority in the policy of the country’s leadership.
“At the same time, work will continue to protect the interests of migrant workers and develop safe migration measures. In order to implement joint humanitarian, economic, social, and innovative projects, decisions will be made to maintain close cooperation with compatriots abroad,” he added.
The acting head of the country said new formats of interaction with Kyrgyzstanis are being created today at different levels of government. The Council on Migration, Compatriots and Diasporas Abroad has been created under the Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic. The “Mekenim” program, which provides opportunities for migrants to open small and medium-sized businesses in Kyrgyzstan on favorable terms is in its final stage of development, and the law on “Meken cards” has been adopted.
“In this difficult year for the country during the coronavirus pandemic, the Kyrgyz people felt your care. Thanks to your efforts, humanitarian and material aid, medical equipment and necessary medicines were sent to Kyrgyzstan,” says Mamytov’s appeal.
The acting Kyrgyz president emphasized dozens of medical volunteers could not remain indifferent to the common trouble and arrived in the homeland to offer their help, knowledge, warmth and care.
“You have shown your unity and solidarity with your homeland.
I wish you good health, new significant achievements, and prosperity to you and your loved ones,” concluded his address Talant Mamytov.
Meanwhile, USAID Safe Migration in Central Asia Project in cooperation with the Resource Center for the Elderly Public Association initiated online consultations for labor migrants from the Kyrgyz Republic, Yulia Salomatina, the project coordinator of the Resource Center for the Elderly said at a press café on the occasion of the International Migrants’ Day.
According to her, from August to November 2020, migrants could receive free legal advice and psychological support through social networks.
“For 4 months, about 500 people contacted our specialists online. Most of them live in Kyrgyzstan, 62% of them are women. The most frequently asked questions were about extending registration on the territory of the Russian Federation, passport replacement, air travel and the possibility to return to Russia to extend the work,” she noted.