Importance of Blue Economy

THE year 2020 has been declared as the blue Economy year by the government of Pakistan in recognition of importance of the Seas, Sea life and Coastal areas in the Trade and Economy of all Country. A wide range of commercial activities ranging from transportation of goods and material through Sea Routes, Fisheries, Development of Islands and Coastal Areas and preservation of Sea-life and ecosystem. Being a developing country Pakistan has huge scope for development and utilisation of its Sea and Coastal areas. Pakistan Navy is the guardian of the Country’s Seas, Exclusive Econmic Zone and the Coastal line. Besides defending the Country Sea borders Pakistan Navy is proactively working to preserve the Ecosystem and Financial Interests of Pakistan. Yesterday, Prime Minister Imran Khan reiterated government support and provision of all resources for development of maritime Economy during a briefing at Naval Headquarters Islamabad. Although Pakistan Navy is playing its parts but there are several other institutions which are involved in this sector. These Departments are Ministry of ports and Shipping, Fisheries, Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, Karachi Development Authority and Gawadar Development Authority, administrations of all cities and districts located at coastal line of the Country.
Pakistan Navy and Coast Guards are responsible for Security and Safety of Pakistan Sea boundaries, Sea Cargoes, Combatting drug and human trafficking. Others institutions needs to make best possible use of our Sea resources and preservation of ecosystem of the Sea. Unfortunately, our Coastal areas and the Sea water near the coast became poisonous due to contaminated wastage of the cities and Industries. Sea life is facing a serious threat of its existence in our coastal areas. There is dire need to make legislation regarding maintenance and preservation of ecosystem and to be implemented in true spirit otherwise our Sea will become filthy ponds in coming years. Government should form a National Committee of all stakeholders for coordination and combined operations to achieve the goal of blue Economy.