India’s desire to attack

SPOKESPERSON Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan told the media in a Press Briefing that Pakistan have information from credible sources that India is planning to undertake a military misadventure, which it usually termed as so called surgical strikes against Pakistan across the Line of Control (LoC) or International border. For this mischief India is making ground and trying to seek understanding from major powers. India had already orchestrated a similar drama in 2019. When it staged Pulwama attack as a reason to launch so called surgical strikes against Pakistan and in response it faced shameless global embarrassment on the hands of our Valiant Armed Forces. Indian government become frustrated due to its internal issues of law and orders in various states and ongoing protest by Indian farmers. This situation of internal unrest and chaos is due to the RSS and BJP regime’s fascist polices aimed at suppression of religious minorities and underprivileged segment of Indian society. The fascist government of BJP led by Narendra Modi is seeking an escape way from this worsening internal situation by creating tension at Pakistan India border. India thinks that a misadventure at LoC or International border with Pakistan will attract the attention of Indian society and International Community toward it, while its internal issues and problems will be go into the back burner.
Indian cease fire violations remained continue throughout the year, but their frequency and intensity has been increased in the recent days. Pakistan continuously lodged the complaints of CFVs to UNO and by summoning Indian High Commissioner based in Islamabad at Ministry of Foreign Affairs regularly. Indian Forces had forgotten the International norms and principles of war specifically mentioned in Geneva Convention and yesterday they targeted a team of United Nations Military Observers Group India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in Chirikot Sector of LoC. Fortunately, UNMOGIP team members remained safe but their vehicle was badly damaged by Indian indiscriminate firing. This behavior is highly pathetic and must be condemned the UNO and International Community. This is coercive pro-active policy of India to obstruct the routine duty of UN Military Observer Group so they can’t move along the LoC and record the causalities caused by Indian Cease fire violations.