India active to defame Pakistan, says FM

-Says Indian fake NGOs, Websites exposed to the world
0Reaffirms pledge to further expose India’s nefarious plan against Pakistan
-Vows befitting response to any Indian misadventure
-Denies any pressure to recognize Israel

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MULTAN: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Monday has said that India is trying to defame Pakistan through fake non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and a website which was exposed by European Union (EU).
Shah Mahmood Qureshi, while talking to journalists in Multan today, said that India has always tried to target Pakistan whenever it gets chance.
The foreign minister said that he and the Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR) had placed a dossier before the world which exposed India’s nefarious plans against Pakistan. He added that India is fueling terrorism by backing terrorists and others to carry out anti-state activities in Pakistan.
“The dossier had been shared with P5 and non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The documents shared with the name of India Chronicles are being discussed these days. India is trying to defame Pakistan through the fake website and NGOs. The revelations were not made by Pakistan but the European Union (EU) which exposed the real face of India.”Qureshi said that his press conference in Abu Dhabi was aiming to give a message to India that Pakistan is fully aware of New Delhi’s plans for the false flag operation and surgical strike. He urged that the international community to take notice of the irresponsible attitude of a nuclear power which could endanger global peace.
The foreign minister said that Pakistan will give a befitting response to any misadventure of India.
Regarding his recent visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that he heard the stance of the UAE government regarding Israel. The foreign minister added that he clarified the stance of Pakistan that making contact with Israel was impossible until the resolution of Palestine dispute.
Qureshi clarified that the Pakistani government was not facing any pressure for accepting Israel and the government will take all decision in accordance with the national interests. He said that he held meetings with UAE rulers in Dubai where they discussed important matters related to bilateral ties, coronavirus pandemic, Afghanistan reconciliation process and visa suspension. Qureshi said that the decision for visa suspension in UAE was temporary which will be ended soon. He added that UAE and Saudi Arabia have not considered India as an alternative to India.
While commenting on the pandemic crisis, Qureshi said that many countries including Britain have once again strictly implemented standard operating procedures (SOPs) to curb the virus spread. He said that Pakistan is also facing the second wave of the pandemic which is becoming more dangerous than the previous one.
When questioned about the opposition’s anti-government movement, Qureshi replied that Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) leaders should think about national agenda instead of running their own political agendas.He claimed that Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) was not willing to resign from assemblies, whereas, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) split into two factions regarding the resignations. He asked PDM leaders were serious to resign from assemblies than they should submit their resignations by December 31.
Earlier, Shah Mahmood Qureshi arrived at Hazrat Shah Ruknuddin Alam’s shrine during the annual three-day Urs ceremony in Multan. Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who is also Sajjada Nasheen of the shrine, performed traditional ‘ghusl and chadar-poshi’ ceremony which was also attended by other members of national and provincial assemblies. Qureshi said that limited activities will be made during the annual Urs ceremony of Hazrat Shah Ruknuddin Alam. Earlier, the devotees of the saint had been requested not to attend the annual Urs ceremony due to the possible spread of COVID-19.
Agencies add: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi said that United Arab Emirate visa ban issue was temporary and it would be resolved very soon. Pakistan enjoyed deep rooted friendly ties with United Arab Emirate, said Foreign Minister and Caretaker of Shrine of Hazrat Shah Rukknuddin Aalam, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi after performing traditional bath “Ghusal” on occasion of 707th Urs ceremony of the great saint.
Qureshi remarked that his recent visit to UAE was aimed to discuss and deepen relationships between the both friendly countries. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi maintained that he met his excellency Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid and Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and discussed different issues including visa ban. The both sides discussed the ways how to promote ties further, said Qureshi.
Shah Mahmood Qureshi observed that he apprised the developments on peace process in Afghanistan, status of Kashmir issue and visit of Taliban delegation to Islamabad. Responding to a question, Foreign Minister stated that UAE and Saudi Arabia did not think India as substitute of Pakistan. Responding to a question about any external pressure pertaining to Israel, Qureshi observed that Pakistan did not entertain any external pressure. Pakistan makes its own policy and take decisions as per its own interests. There is resemblance in issues of Kashmir and Palestine, he said adding that Pakistan wanted solution of both issues as per wishes of the local people.
To another question about India, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi remarked that India always tried to damage Pakistan. India is running terror camps, providing material to terrorists and also financing them to create unrest in Pakistan, Qureshi stated, adding that Pakistan presented dossiers, containing complete evidences of India’s involvement in terrorism to International community, P-5 countries and some other important countries of OIC. Disinfo lab report is also evident about India’s bad intentions. India was trying to malign Pakistan through fake NGOs, websites etc. The real face of India had been exposed, said FM.
Pakistan also made it clear that it would respond promptly to Indian aggression. Pakistan shared it concerns at international level that India was planning of launch false-flag operation against Pakistan. Qureshi stressed upon the international community to take notice of Indian heinous designs. Indian forces also resorted to firing at UN observers. Pakistan is capable of responding amicably so India should refrain from any misadventures, FM categorically stated. To a question about PDM protests, Shah Mahmood Qureshi remarked that PDM should understand severity of coronavirus issue. The virus is turning more dangerous as England, Germany and many other countries of Europe were revising SOPs. Qureshi urged upon PDM leadership to shun political agenda and follow national agenda only.
However, he stated, the masses have rejected PDM in public meetings of Karachi, Peshawar, Multan, Gujjranwala and especially Lahore. The PMD lacks united stance on issue of resignations. Pakistan People Party is not in favour of extending resignations. PPP wanted to participate in by-elections in Sindh, so how could it support resignations, Qureshi posed question.
Similarly, one strong group of PML N is also not interest in resignations. If PDM is sincere in resignations then it should submit these with Speakers of assemblies concerned, stated Qureshi. Shah Mahmood Qureshi also urged upon Opposition not to mislead masses on issue of resignations.
Earlier, foreign minister and caretaker of the tomb Hazrat Shah Ruknuddin Aalam, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi performed traditional Ghusal of the shrine. He informed that the ceremonies of the 707th Urs of the great saints were cancelled due to coronavirus. He urged devotees of the saint to pray for progress and prosperity of the country in their respective areas.