Pakistan, China committed to promote CPEC: Nong Rong

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of China to Pakistan Nong Rong Tuesday said that both China and Pakistan were ready to promote China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cooperation.
In his series of tweets, the Chinese envoy pointed out that in 2020, the two countries had overcome the difficulties of COVID-19 and made new head ways of CPEC. Referring to an Award ceremony for outstanding Pakistani staff of CPEC projects, Nong Rong said he felt honor to deliver a speech at the ceremony.
He also thanked Chairman CPEC Authority Lt. Gen (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa for attending the ceremony. “(I am) impressed by the remarks delivered by representatives of outstanding Pakistani staff of CPEC projects, and appreciate the contribution made by all Pakistani and Chinese staff working on the CPEC projects”, he added.
Meanwhile Asim Bajwa in his addressed had said that CPEC brought employment and prosperity and improved social economy of Pakistan.
He said every Pakistani was in romance of CPEC because now they could see its fruits. They are getting jobs and new business opportunities that was helping to improve their living standard, he added.
Bajwa said that COVID-19 did not affect the speed of CPEC projects and both sides of Pakistani and Chinese employees made it possible with their hard work. He appreciated the award winners Pakistani employees. Asim Saleem Bajwa said that the CPEC was equally important for both countries. “This will bring the Pakistan and China more closer. With this project the investment in private sector of both countries would increase,” he added.
Earlier Monday Ambassador Nong Rong hailed CPEC authority and all Pakistani workers for their outstanding performance in the development of projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) during his speech at the awarding ceremony for outstanding Pakistani staff of CPEC projects.
During his speech Mr. Nong Rong said “it is my pleasure to attend the Awarding Ceremony for Outstanding Pakistani Staff of CPEC projects. Due to COVID-19, we have to hold an on-line ceremony this year”
Citing the incredible achievements he thanked Mr. Asim Bajwa, Chairman CPEC Authority for attending Monday’s ceremony and gave warm remarks.
The Ambassador further said “the 18 outstanding Pakistani staff attending today’s ceremony are from Gwadar Port, energy, infrastructure and other fields of the CPEC construction. They are outstanding representatives of Pakistani staff in all fields of CPEC cooperation and demonstrate the diversification of China-Pakistan cooperation in the new era”, adding that “on behalf of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Pakistan, I would like to extend my warm congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to all those who have won the award for your excellent service. At the same time, I would also like to express my gratitude to all the companies and their staff working on the CPEC projects for their continuous contribution in advancing CPEC cooperation”.
Highlighting the importance o0f CPEC Mr. Nong said CPEC was an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative and a demonstration project of China-Pakistan cooperation.
He stressed on deepen cooperation between China- Pakistan at all-weather strategic partnership for the building a closer community of shared future, and the realization of high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.