Bishkek thanks Tokyo for JDS project

Bishkek: Director of Kyrgyzstan’s State Personnel Service Abdyrakhman Mamataliyev met on Tuesday with Japanese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Shigeki Maeda.
According to the press service of the agency, Director Mamataliyev noted the importance of Japan as an important partner for Kyrgyzstan, including for the State Personnel Service.
He also thanked the Japanese side for assistance in the successful implementation of the JDS (Joint Development System) project. This project actively provides training to state and municipal employees.
“Japan is a close country and an important partner for us. Thanks to the JDS project, state and municipal employees of Kyrgyzstan receive additional education in Japan and thereby improve their qualifications. The JDS project should work on a long-term basis. The Kyrgyz side will fulfill all obligations for further implementation of the project,” noted the head of the Kyrgyz Personnel Service. In turn, Shigeki Maeda thanked Mamataliyev for the warm welcome.
“The Japanese side is ready to further strengthen cooperation in terms of education and training of employees of state and municipal bodies.
The majority of master’s students trained in Japan work in the central apparatuses. I suggest that in the future we should focus on the regions, so that employees of local governments could be trained in Japan through the project JDS,” the ambassador noted.
At the end of the meeting, Abdyrakhman Mamataliyev presented Ambassador Shigeki Maeda with an English-language edition of the Manas epic.
The project has been successfully implemented in Kyrgyzstan for 14 years. Since then, 210 employees of state and municipal agencies have been trained in Japan and were able to improve their skills. At the moment, under the project, 18 employees of state and municipal services are studying for a master’s degree, 2 employees are studying for a doctoral degree. –PNP