Uzbekistan suspends flights with 8 countries

TASHKENT: The Special Republican Commission has issued a new statement announced the suspension of international flights with eight countries.
Reportedly, in recent days in some foreign countries, in particular, in the United Kingdom, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Australia, the Netherlands and South Africa, the number of new coronavirus infection cases has risen sharply, and the epidemiological situation is deteriorating drastically. Particularly, as of December 20 this year, the daily incidence in the UK has reached 36 thousand, in Germany – about 21 thousand, in Italy – 15 thousand, in the Netherlands – 13 thousand, in the Republic of South Africa – more than 9 thousand.
Given the epidemiological situation in these countries, most European and other nations have decided to restrict international air traffic with them in order to prevent the disease from further spreading.
According to the decision of the Special Republican Commission, from December 21 this year to January 10, 2021, international flights (entry, exit and transit flights to the Republic) with the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Australia, the Netherlands and South Africa will be suspended. At the same time, it is decided to restrict the entry into Uzbekistan of citizens of the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Australia, the Netherlands and South Africa, stateless persons permanently residing in these countries and third-country nationals who have been in these countries for the last 14 days during the period of the above restriction. Moreover, citizens of Uzbekistan entering the Republic through third countries, who have stayed during the last 14 days in the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Australia, the Netherlands and South Africa, will be quarantined for 14 days in a temporary quarantine complex or in a hotel.. –PNP