CIS IPA Observers to monitor Elections in Kazakhstan

NUR-SULTAN: Agroup of international observers from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly (CIS IPA) and representatives of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan discussed preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan by videoconference on 23 December. The elections to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan are scheduled for 10 January 2021, BelTA learned from the CIS IPA.
Secretary General of the Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly Dmitry Kobitsky said that the observers had already embarked on long-term observation: they had analyzed the electoral legislation and were preparing reports on the course of the election campaign. An observation group will be deployed in Nur-Sultan and across the country’s regions on 7-12 January 2021. On election day, observers will monitor elections at foreign polling stations in Baku (Azerbaijan), Yerevan (Armenia), Minsk (Belarus), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), St. Petersburg (Russia), Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and Berlin (Germany).
«This time we tried to send our observers to as many locations as possible,» Dmitry Kobitsky emphasized.
He also spoke about the principles international observers stick to. These principles are based on the Convention on Standards of Democratic Election, Voting Rights and Freedoms in the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. These are the principles of political neutrality, impartiality, non-interference in the electoral process. In turn, members of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan informed the observers about the results of candidate nomination. Chairman of the Central Election Commission Berik Imashev said that there are six political parties in Kazakhstan.
One of them refused to participate in the elections, the other five were registered. According to Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission Konstantin Petrov, within the period established by the law – on 10-30 November – the parties held congresses to make lists of candidates to be elected. In total, five party lists include 312 people: 113 from the People’s Party of Kazakhstan, 126 from Nur Otan (Light of the Fatherland), 19 from the Auyl (Countryside) People’s Patriotic Democratic Party, 38 from the Ak Zhol (Bright Path) Democratic Party of Kazakhstan and 16 from the Adal (Justice) political party. –PNP