Progress on Afghan peace

US Acting Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller visited Kabul this week amidst stalled Intra-Afghan peace negotiations. President Trump ordered last month to withdraw half of the troops from Afghanistan to be approximately 2500 by January 15, five days before the transition of new US administration. As per US- Taliban agreement at Doha, US has to withdraw all US Forces by May 2021, if things move smoothly in right direction including reduction in violence, ceasefire between Taliban and Afghan Forces and conclusion of successful Intra-Afghan Peace talks.
There is still no mutual consensus between Afghan government and Taliban over the avenue of next phase of Intra-Afghan peace negotiations. Violence also continues in the Country and both sides claimed to be up hold their commitment with regard to Afghan reconciliation process. Pakistan is continuously working and emphasising both parties to reduce their differences and build up consensus upon a mutually agreed framework, which provide a base to halt misperceptions and ambiguities. US government is clearly enxious about the future of ongoing Afghan reconciliation process, due to reason Gen Millay met with Taliban negotiators and Afghan government last week and discussed about recent developments in the peace process. His visit was immediately followed by Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller.
New Joe Biden administration is scheduled to be in office by 20 January next year, therefore President Trump wants to see things going to be happen as per Program during the tenure of his presidency. President Trump is continuously upholding his commitment and it is good sign for the people of Afghanistan. The new Joe Biden administration yet not gave its future policy on Afghanistan, likely new administration will continue Trump Policy on Afghanistan, however, the transition of new administration will slow down the peace process and if it replaces Zalmay Khalilzad, US Chief negotiator that will also great impact on the ongoing Afghan reconciliation process in Afghanistan. If there comes any break in the process, it will not be due to United States but due to the failure of Taliban and Afghan government in reaching out at mutually agreed decision.Therefore, both parties should move forward with positive sentiments to reach a comprehensive, broad base agreement between them,which ensure peace, prosperity and equal opportunities to all segments of Afghan society.