US unrecognizable to the world in 2020

BEIJING: The US remains the worst-hit country by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and many of its performances are almost confusing and unrecognizable to the world. It has the highest numbers of infections and deaths in the world, which contrasts sharply with its most advanced medical technology and most abundant public health resources in the world. Instead of providing support and proving its global leadership, the US has become an open spoiler of global cooperation against COVID-19. This is exemplified by the US’ announcement of its withdrawal from the World Health Organization.
Although the vaccine developed by a US company passed Phase-III clinical trials at the earliest, adding courage and hope to this battle, the efficacy of the vaccine is yet to be tested and cannot compensate for the international community’s unprecedented disappointment toward the US.
Many Westerners blame the Trump team for US’ failures this year. Such a conclusion is way too simple and superficial. Although Donald Trump lost the US presidential election, he still won the support of nearly half of US voters.
Therefore, the performance of the US this year is not only a mark made by the Trump team, but also a reflection of the failure of the US political system in a crisis. It is the result of the long-term accumulation of problems in the US’ political operations and its lack of self-reformation.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item