China-Laos Railway near to achieve goals

BEIJING: The China-Laos railway tracks have successfully extended from Lao capital Vientiane to northern Laos’ transport hub Luang Prabang, thus accomplishing all the construction targets set at the beginning of 2020, Beijing Review reported on Wednesday.
Ju Guojiang, Chairman of China Railway International Co., Ltd. and Chairman of Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd., said in an interview with media on Monday that all the engaged construction units have been carrying out strict precaution measures against the COVID-19 pandemic, as to achieve uninterrupted construction with zero infection case. With the implementation of anti-epidemic “green customs clearance”, the needed Chinese engineers and materials have been continuously sent to the construction site to ensure construction pace, and the railway construction targets set at the beginning of this year have all been achieved, said Ju. Since the track laying began on March 27, the China-Laos Railway has installed 240 kilometers rails from Vientiane, the capital of Laos, to Luang Prabang, which accounting for 57 percent of the total length. So far, the 75 railway tunnels, 164 bridges and the subgrades have basically been completed, and all the station buildings have been capped, while the railway operation’s preparations have been accelerated, according to Ju’s introduction.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item