President Xi Jinping’s New Year speech hailed

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BEIJING: Overseas Chinese said that the New Year speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping is inspiring and encouraging, while expressing their hope to contribute to the development of China and the rest of the world.
The Chinese president, in his speech delivered on Thursday, praised the country’s achievements in COVID-19 response, economic recovery and poverty eradication. In his speech to greet 2021, Xi called on people across the world to make joint efforts to drive away the dark clouds of the COVID-19 pandemic at an early date and build the planet Earth into a better home for all humanity.
He also pledged greater determination to deepen reform and expand opening-up, as China’s reform and opening-up has created a miracle in development.
Xi’s speech is very inspiring, said Wu Hao, president of the Federation of Overseas Chinese Youth in Russia and secretary-general and executive vice president of the Federation of Overseas Chinese. In his speech, Xi said “China has written an epic in fighting COVID-19 as the country put people and life first,” Wu said, adding that upholding this notion, China has achieved remarkable results in fighting the epidemic and promoting economic and social development. Yu Hua, secretary-general of the Chinese Enterprise Chamber of Commerce in Georgia, quoted Xi’s speech as saying that “the road ahead is long, and striving is the only way forward.” Noting that Xi’s message shows ardent hope for overseas Chinese, Yu said they will contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Boonyong Yongcharoenrat, vice president of Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said that Xi’s speech is inspiring and encouraging.
Boonyong said that overseas Chinese are proud of China’s achievements in preventing and controlling the epidemic, economic recovery as well as its contribution to the global fight against the pandemic.
They will work hard to create a brighter future together with the people back in China, Boonyong said.
Guo Yadong, head of the 35th Chinese medical team in Sudan, said that overseas Chinese feel proud of China’s extraordinary achievements and are confident in the country’s development in the future.
Guo said that the medical team will work to consolidate the friendship between the Chinese and Sudanese people.
Sun Wei, chairman of the Cambridge Chinese Community Center, said the overseas Chinese in Britain feel proud of China’s achievements in the epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development, and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
“We are confident that China will embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,” Sun said.