History will not stand by Hong Kong destabilizers

BEIJING: Hong Kong police arrested 53 activists included Benny Tai Yiu-ting and Alvin Yeung Ngok-kiu on Wednesday on suspicion of violating the National Security Law. Hong Kong police said at a press conference afternoon that the operation targeted a plan of the so-called “35-plus” strategy and “mutual destruction” plan which were aimed at paralyzing Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong police, the 53 activists include six organizers and 47 participants.
It is conceivable that some US and Western politicians will come out to attack Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government, and some Western public opinion institutions will also describe the arrest as “undermining democracy” and “suppressing human rights.”
But some US politicians could not even wait for the Hong Kong police’s press conference on the situation. In the middle of the night, they already started to criticize the Hong Kong police, putting a vicious label on the Hong Kong police’s law-based actions.
This shows that they oppose whatever China does, and now they oppose whatever the HKSAR government does. Political stance is their priority, and they show their political posturing on China-related issues. They have no interest in what is right or wrong. Hong Kong has become a stage for the US and some Western politicians to smear China and to make their political stunts.
Did the proposed “35-plus” strategy and so-called primary election conducted by radical activists such as Benny Tai in July last year violate the National Security Law for Hong Kong enacted on June 30? Such a “primary election” had no legal basis in the first place, and its stated aim was to paralyze the government by securing a 35-strong majority in the Legislative Council. Benny Tai and others put forward “the 10 steps to mutual destruction,” which are tactics to bring down the SAR government.
Disabling the LegCo is only one of the steps. Other steps included forcing the HKSAR government to shut down and ask Western governments to sanction China. What is democracy here? It is clearly an attempt to subvert Hong Kong’s constitutional system and sabotage Hong Kong’s operation in the LegCo and other key links one by one.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item