China calls for peace, stability after US riots

BEIJING: A Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Thursday said China hopes the people in the United States can enjoy peace, stability and security at the earliest after supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol.
“We believe that the people of the United States want stability and peace, and hope they can soon enjoy security and stability, especially amid the grim situation brought about by the pandemic,” spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily press briefing.
Responding to a query on some Chinese netizens mocking the riots as “beautiful sight,” a term once used by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to refer to the violent protests in Hong Kong in 2019, Hua said Chinese people have the right and freedom to express their opinions and make comments online.
While U.S. mainstream media denounced the protesters at the U.S. Capitol as “mobs,” they had called the violent protesters in Hong Kong as “democratic heroes,” saying that the U.S. people were standing with them, Hua noted.
“The stark contrast in the reactions and choice of words are thought-provoking and worthy of our reflection,” she said.
Hua also urged the United States to take necessary measures to guarantee the safety of journalists, as multiple news outlets were attacked by demonstrators outside the Capitol Hill, according to a statement by China Media Group.
Moreover, China Media Group (CMG) has called on the U.S. to ensure the safety of journalists on the ground after member of the media covering the Capitol Hill events in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday were attacked by demonstrators.
Below is the full text of the statement issued by CMG’s bureau of international exchanges on Thursday:
We were shocked to learn that on the afternoon of January 6 local time, many news outlets, including CGTN America, were attacked by demonstrators at their usual live positions outside Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The scene was a mess. Fortunately, reporters from these media are all safe and sound.
We express our sympathy to the reporters on the front line, are maintaining contact with CGTN America and taking necessary safety measures for the reporters.
We also call on the U.S. to take necessary measures to ensure the safety of reporters.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN News exchange item