CPC improves election work via revised rules

BEIJING: The Communist Party of China (CPC) has improved the election work of local Party organizations with newly revised election rules, according to the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee Thursday.
Elections to local Party organizations bear significant meaning to enhance the Party’s political building and intraparty democracy, the department said.
The revised version of the work rules for elections to local Party organizations published by the CPC Central Committee is of great importance to standardizing the election work of CPC’s local organizations and strengthening their construction, it added. The revision specifies the four-step election procedure and the proportion of frontline workers and farmers among delegates to local Party congresses, the department explained, underscoring the minimum requirement of 30 percent frontline delegates in provincial-level Party congresses.
The number of candidates for members and alternate members of local-level Party committees and candidates for members of the commissions for discipline inspection at the corresponding levels should be at least 10 percent more than the positions to be elected, according to the working rules.
The document also has provisions on organizing elections, electoral discipline, and supervision over elections.
Any Party organization or member that hinders voters from exercising their democratic rights should receive disciplinary action, and those suspected of crimes should be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, said the document. – Agencies