Plight of Rohingya Muslim

US Secretary of the State, Micheal R. Pompeo has offered best wishes to the people of Myanmar on their independence day on behalf of the Government of the United States and the American people. Mr. Pompeo also expressed desire for partnering with the people of Myanmar in support of the country’s democratic transition, national reconciliation, and economic transformation. He said that United States will continue to work with Myanmar government, civil society, and youth to help achieve greater peace, prosperity, and freedoms in Myanmar. Although, it is a comprehensive state from Myanmar point of view but if we look on American social, cultural values and Championship to protect and promote basic human rights across the globe, this statement does not represent the American nation. Myanmar has been involved in extra judicial killings, illegal prosecutions and genocide of Rohingya Muslims in the province of Rakhine during 2016 and 2017. At least 9,400 Rohingyas were killed by Myanmar Security Forces in a crackdown against so-Called Militant separatists Whereas about 750,000 Rohingya people have fled from Rakhine state of Myanmar to save their lives from brutal military crackdown against them. They took refuge in the neighbouring countries Bangladesh and India. Due to this huge displacement, the world most acute refugee crisis occurred in the region. The UN’s top court ordered the Buddhist-majority country to protect the Rohingya community from genocide. But the army of Aung San Suu Kyi, once a human rights icon, termed it as action against the militants. UNHCR and UNDP signed an agreement with Myanmar government for repatriation of Rohingya refugees back in to their homes in Myanmar. However, organisations representing Rohingya people expressed dismay over the agreement between UN and Myanmar because there was no representation of Rohingya people in this agreement. The Rohingia people are still living in Refugees Camps and their host countries like Bangladesh had refused to host them anymore. The agreement between the UN and Myanmar government called for repatriation of the Rohingya but the root cause of the issue didn’t address in it. This agreement did not ensure the Rohingya about their citizenships and other basic rights in Myanmar. The US Secretary of States should urge the Myanmar to settle down the issue of Rohingya people at the eve of its Independence Day.
Rohingya Muslims are suffering on the hands of Myanmar government and looking to ward international community to help them get their rights and return back to their home with respect and dignity.